Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Sep 25 2008

Is Operation Chaos Messing With The Polls?

I was not a really big fan of Rush Limbaugh’s “Operation Chaos”, but the fact is he led a sizable number of Repubs and others to register as Democrats in order to vote in the primaries. Here is one example of the havoc he was able to achieve: Joe Lenski, executive vice president of Edison […]

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Sep 25 2008

Bush & McCain Prod Obama To Put Country First

Barack Obama is showing that arrogance again. Yesterday morning Chris Plante played clips of Obama saying [paraphrasing] “I plan to stay in touch with Treasury Secretary Paulson and the leaders of Congres to ensure a bi-partisan answer to this crisis is forthcoming“. It was a ridiculous act of playing President.  By the afternoon McCain decided […]

14 responses so far

Sep 24 2008

The Democrats Have Lost Their Minds

Boy, one really has to wonder what has happened to the Democrats as they go sliding off their mental coils over Palin. Check out this whopper: Rep. Alcee Hastings told an audience of Jewish Democrats Wednesday that they should be wary of Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin because “anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t […]

28 responses so far

Sep 24 2008

Bravo McCain – Put America First!

Just quick note so folks can have at it in the comments section. My initial take on McCain’s move to suspend his campaign and get to Washington to address the financial crisis is spot on. Country first. Obama’s whining about a delay in a debate is proving to be a disaster – clearly he is […]

18 responses so far

Sep 24 2008

Obama And Dems Try To Steal The White House

Well, it seems the democrats are going to try to stop voters from voting, mainly Republican voters of course: Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner has a reputation as the most partisan state official in Ohio. And she works hard to earn it. The Democrat’s latest stunt rejected absentee ballots for thousands of Republicans. … Brunner […]

14 responses so far

Sep 24 2008

Drill, Baby Drill! – GOP Wins A Big One

Finally, the do-nothing  Congress did something good by ….  doing nothing! Democrats have decided to allow a quarter-century ban on drilling for oil off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to expire next week, conceding defeat in a months-long battle with the White House and Republicans set off by $4 a gallon gasoline prices this summer. House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey, […]

11 responses so far

Sep 24 2008

Are We Going To Hand Our Nation To Propagandists?

Tony Blankely has a sadly true and powerful denunciation of the media has lapdog and Goebbels-like fictionizers for the Obama campaign. The mainstream media ruthlessly and endlessly repeat any McCain gaffes while ignoring Obama gaffes. You have to go to weird little Web sites to see all the stammering and stuttering that Obama needs before […]

2 responses so far

Sep 24 2008

Now That Is One Skewed Poll!

The Washington Post/ABC News poll out showing Obama with a 9 point lead (52-43) illustrates my point about bad sampling techniques. There straight party sample breaks down 38% Dem, 28% Rep and 29% Ind. When Indies are asked which way they lean the sample goes 54% Dem, 38% Rep and 7% Ind. Is anyone surprised […]

10 responses so far

Sep 23 2008

Rank Sexism Dripping From CNN – Updated!

Major Update: Here is the actual video evidence of the ‘speed dating’ sexist remark. And it is becoming the talking point I said it would be (here and here). – end update The Situation Room (the lair of “Wolf” Blitzer – how’s that for irony) has done it again. I am fairly certain it is simply […]

15 responses so far

Sep 23 2008

Who Has The Mojo?

Which campaign has momentum? Well, we have some pictures from this week to answer the question. Here is an Obama event in deep blue Wisconsin where Obama attracted only 2/3rds the crowd McCain-Palin did a few days earlier. Estimates are 6,000 People.   And here is a McCain-Palin event in deep blue Pennsylvania: The evidence […]

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