Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Sep 23 2008

Will al-Qaeda Try To Influence America’s Election? – Updated With Intel Alert!

Major Update: Reader SBD provides us a chilling look at one of the intel warnings that just went out a few days ago -  17 September 2008: A disturbing communication posted in a high level Arabic language forum suggests that some type of terrorist operation is currently underway, targeting sites within the United States and […]

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Sep 23 2008

Is California In Play?

OK, this would be a stretch and a shocker to the dems, but there seems to be some indications CA may fall into the battleground state category: But Republicans aren’t giving up on California. California Republican Party chief operating officer Bill Christiansen said some private polls put the two candidates within five points of each […]

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Sep 23 2008

Another Poll Conundrum – Clinton Supporters Not Moving To Obama

Just to add fuel to the fire I wrote about this morning, there is a new poll out showing Obama is not gaining support among Clinton supporters – yet somehow he still leads in the national polls? Highly unlikely.

4 responses so far

Sep 23 2008

Those Wild Polls

Been contemplating a post on polls and statistics for a few days now. The ebb and flow of the polls has me a bit perplexed. The national pattern is not synchronized with the state level polls.  Many key states are either in the “toss up” or very weak “lean” categories. normally blue states (e.g., PA, […]

12 responses so far

Sep 22 2008

Dem VP Candidate Biden Slams Obama Campaign Ad, Defends McCain

It was the one of the most deplorable ads of the political season. It was the Obama campaign down in the sewer. Apparently the stench is so bad on this one Democrat VP candidate Joe Biden has chided the Obama Campaign (“I am Barack Obama, and I approved this ad”) and defended McCain on this […]

9 responses so far

Sep 22 2008

Whoa! Palin Political Enemy In Troopergate Is A Wife Beater???

Wait just one second. As I have noted many times the Troopergate saga is a political hit job, and recently one of our readers connected the dots to show it is probably a coordinated smear between Palin’s political enemies (which she has earned many in her efforts to clean up corruption). The media is relying […]

6 responses so far

Sep 22 2008

Jawa Report Traces Palin Smears To Obama Camp – Updated

To coin a phrase, when Obama said “the gloves were coming off” he clearly meant that the dirty tricks ‘sock puppets’ (people who pretend to be other than they are on blogs and websites in order to post fake and fradulent information) were going on. And he and his campaign just got caught with their […]

23 responses so far

Sep 22 2008

Poll Prediction: Today Gallup Will Show A Tanking Obama

  Major Update – I was wrong, Obama holding at +4.  My timing could be off, but I doubt it.  Cheers, AJStrata Gallup showed a resurgent Obama over the past few days shooting out to a 6 point lead on Saturday, 50-44%. Yesterday, though, that lead dropped two points (or 30%). All during this period […]

9 responses so far

Sep 22 2008

Poll Stunner! McCain-Palin Close 34 Point Gap On Women’s Issues

OK this is the biggest poll shocker I have seen since the Palin selection for VP: Since picking Sarah Palin as his running mate, John McCain has obliterated what had been a 34-percentage-point deficit in a poll of likely women voters on the question of which candidate has a “better understanding of women and what is important” to them. […]

6 responses so far

Sep 22 2008

Where Is Obama On Rangel’s Charge Palin Is “Disabled”?

Just got a call from LJStrata who just heard about Rangel’s comment that Governor Palin is ‘disabled‘. First off, LJStrata has a life, unlike me the political junky and blog-hog. She spends her time raising the kids, doing the company back room work, volunteering for the community, keeping the home together. She is actually an […]

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