Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Sep 14 2008

O-Bomba’s “Arrogance-Express” Is Derailing

More and more evidence is pooring in that the Obama campaign machine is latching up and smoke is starting to rise as it stalls and begins to fade. Obama was always a very high risk choice with his political inexperience (he has never won a straight election, ever). One can argue he did not win […]

8 responses so far

Sep 14 2008

New York Times: The Barracuda Kicked Butt And Took Names

Americans need not apply to lead this country, according to the arrogant NY Times. Ok, so Americans are absolutely fed up with the Political Industrial Complex who have been snearing down their noses at the rest of us, like Charlie Gibson did to Sarah during the interview (with reading glasses included – which is really […]

7 responses so far

Sep 12 2008

The Pathetic Obama/Biden Gaffe Machine Regarding The Physically Handicapped

A lot of people gasped at Joe Biden’s honest mistake recently when, at a campaign event, he called out a local Democrat leader – asking him to stand. Sad thing was, the man was confined to a wheel chair. Earlier in the week, in Columbia, Missouri, Biden urged a paraplegic state official to stand up […]

20 responses so far

Sep 12 2008

McCain-Palin Wave Still Building

Today’s Rassmussen Daily Tracking Poll numbers may be confirming my prediction that the McCain-Palin wave of support is still building: McCain now attracts 48% of the vote while Obama earns 45%. When “leaners” are included, it’s McCain 49%, Obama 46%. Yesterday, the candidates were tied. … It is unusual to find a three-point jump in […]

12 responses so far

Sep 12 2008

Gibson – Interview Or Interrogation

I am not going to waste much of my time on the Charlie Gibson interview (don’t have much time to waste and others will do plenty of excellent work). I will add this comment I heard from a caller on the Bill Bennett show this morning.  The caller noted Gibson launched some lame and condescending […]

7 responses so far

Sep 12 2008

Obama Sinking Dems, Not Just Himself – Election Over (Updated)

Bill Clinton is one of the most popular Democrat heroes of all time. Yet he took power of the White House while dems controlled both houses of Congress, and when he was done all three were in GOP hands. Go figure, in my world that is a disaster. Barack Obama seems to be ten times […]

13 responses so far

Sep 11 2008

Riddle Me This – Why Keep Beating The Community Organizer Drum?

Alan Colmes is pushing the idea that the slam on Obama’s Community Experience is a racist attack. He has been on this all night. Why? Doesn’t Obama have the African American vote sewn up? Or does he? Why pull out the race card now, unless they see something truly frightening in their internal polls. Just […]

11 responses so far

Sep 11 2008

Liberals Finally Realize What NATO Means – And They Are Scared!

No links, but if I hear another liberal fool say “Sarah Palin said the US is required to protect Georgia, as a member of NATO, if attacked by Russia – and that scares me” I think I am going to puke. So, after all these years of NATO liberals finally figured out what it means? […]

12 responses so far

Sep 11 2008

Alan Colmes Slams Palin As Only “Beauty Queen”

Tonight on Hannity and Colmes Alan Colmes fell back into the hateful trap all liberals find themselves in as they try to slam Paling and defend Obama. I don’t have exact quotes, but hopefully this will hit YouTube. It all started when Colmes claimed the GOP was ridiculing Obama’s community service (why do they go […]

3 responses so far

Sep 11 2008

Seriously, The Dems Have Lost This Election – Did A Star Chamber Crew Screw Up?

Wild Speculation Alert! This post includes some wild speculation built around truth of the news surrounding the imploding Obama campaign. The wild guessing relates only to the cause of the collapse of the Dems and Obama. It is all over the news, indications that the Obama campaign is spinning down the tubes. Political leaders and […]

8 responses so far

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