Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Sep 11 2008

Obama: Palin Is Just Another Pretty Face, Not A Pig

Obama really is pretty clueless. Instead of hinting that Governor Sarah Palin is a pig with lipstick, he goes on Letterman and calls her just another pretty face – insinuating she has no brains, views or political force of her own: Obama: “It does. But keep in mind that, technically, had I meant it that […]

14 responses so far

Sep 10 2008

McCain * Palin Rally in Northern Virginia

It was well worth taking a day off of work and to be down in Fairfax, VA at 7am. Due to luck and planning, we were one of the first people to get into the event and managed to get up really close to the front. We saw speeches from the Mayor of the City […]

3 responses so far

Sep 10 2008

23,000 Strong in Fairfax, VA!

Caveat: I’m a techie type not a writer, so bear with me. DJStrata and I have just returned from an event I’ll never forget.  Just to set the record straight, there was no rock band. There was a country guitarist without his normal bandmates, who asked us to clap since he didn’t have his drummer with […]

12 responses so far

Sep 10 2008

O-Bomba Crashing With Independents

This is the year of the electoral middle. I have said many times you lose the middle you lose the election. Hyper partisanship is poison.  Being tied to the Political Industrial Complex of Pols, Pundits and Media is poison. America wants a breath of fresh air – and they are getting it with Sarah Palin […]

6 responses so far

Sep 10 2008

The O-Bomb And The Tepid Conservatives

Interesting reading today on Obama’s Pig O-Bomb. The left can’t believe anyone would be insulted (but many women I have seen are royally pissed). And the right is concerned chauvinism is dead and ugly.  Here’s my take.  The left is deep in Maccac denial. And the right is making the same tepid mistake with women that allowed […]

3 responses so far

Sep 10 2008

23,000 In Fairfax VA To Greet McCain/Palin! – Updated

Scroll For Updates DJStrata just texted me from the McCain/Palin rally in Fairfax, VA (they got there at 0-Dark-Thirty and are up front) and reports there are 20,000 people at the event. Obama must be green with jealousy. Updates from the event as I get them. Update: Some initial reporting on the event: Thousands of […]

6 responses so far

Sep 10 2008

What Drove The O-Bomb – Peer Pressure? Updated: Proof!

Major Update: Reader Perdogg points us to some clear evidence the Pig attack on Palin was a coordinated smear on the woman by the Democrat Party and Obama Campaign. Just go read the whole thing. Good-bye Democrats – we don’t need your muck in this proud nation. The entire party establishment was participating and it […]

10 responses so far

Sep 10 2008

Another Poll, Another Indication Women Running From O-Bomba

Another poll shows a huge shift occurring in the women’s vote, spooking seasoned Dem Pols who know what this means: A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released Tuesday, for instance, shows that McCain is now winning among white women 52% to 41% after having been statistically tied with Obama in that crucial category just […]

8 responses so far

Sep 10 2008

The O-Bomb

One of the reasons I think Obama and the Dems went with the completely orchestrated pig-comment against Paln is they see something happening that has the totally spooked. I don’t have time to do the research, but I have noted Obama’s campaign stops are clearly in small forums (like school gyms) where McCain/Palin’s are so […]

2 responses so far

Sep 09 2008

Obama’s Pig Statement – Election’s Over

Major Update (and probably the last on this post): What we have here is a clear case of premeditated political suicide and armed plagiarism (was this Biden’s part in the crime?): The key to realizing the plagiarism, and to realizing that the entire riff was pre-scripted, is that Obama begins to tell the joke wrong.Obama […]

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