Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Sep 02 2008

Palin’s Achievements Beyond Mortal Liberal’s Grasp – Updated!

Just a quick note on all the noise coming from the leftward fevered swamps about Palin’s ability to raise a family and be Vice President.  All of it stems from a lack of ability on the left to walk and chew gum at the same time. Liberals have been claiming they cannot understand how Sarah […]

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Sep 02 2008

The Only Thing Being Questioned Is The Vulture Media, Not Palin Or McCain’s Vetting Process

The liberal media is trying to cover up for their gutter reporting, and it is not working. Let me remind the clueless class of ‘journalists’ out there that in a nation with 80% wrong track numbers, their ‘industry’ has the lowest approval ratings of all the elements that make up the political industrial power complex […]

11 responses so far

Sep 01 2008

Palins To Be Grand Parents!

Congratulations to the Palin’s and their daughter as she embarks on the path of parenthood. It is a tough but rewarding journey.  This is a day for congratulations and well wishing – something the sewer-lurking liberals don’t get in their raw lust for power. Addendum: As many have noted today, and will for a while […]

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Sep 01 2008

Obama vs Palin

Published by under 2008 Elections

LOL! Obama fails the challenge of course.

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Sep 01 2008

Obama Claims Equal Pay For Equivalent Experience – Except For Uppity Women Of Course

Here is how the Glass Ceiling for woman stays in place. When a woman and a man compete for a job with basically equivalent experience (no two people have identical experiences or talents) then the game begins. What were two equal competitors turns into special, unwritten cases of supposedly superior experience. So the woman has […]

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Sep 01 2008

Obama Fails Science Policy 101

Remember, Obama is a Harvard educated smooth talker, it pretty much guarantees the man is ignorant of science and its implications, but is really good at wrapping that ignorance up into impressive sounding sound bites – which are misleading at best. Now we have a way to prove this is the case since Obama has […]

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Aug 31 2008

The Presidential Experience Bar Differs For Liberal Men and Women In General

Lot’s of folks are talking about how Palin is not experienced enough to be VP. Every argument I have seen does nothing but set a lower standard for Liberal men than GOP woman (the proverbial glass ceiling). So, does anyone want to claim a one term senator with no executive experience and no foreign policy […]

6 responses so far

Aug 31 2008

Liberals Jump On Early Polls, Illustrating Why Math Skills Are Important – Updated

Update: Gallup has come out with its daily tracking poll update and, sure enough, the Obidenama ticket showed a 25% drop (same as Rasmussen – see below) since its peak two days ago (follow link for larger image): Gallup hints that the Palin selection has not only neutralized some of the Dem Convention bounce, but […]

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Aug 31 2008

Liberal Left Males Continue To Sink Into Taliban-Like Muck

How low will the liberal male go to stop a woman on the GOP ticket? I thought it was bad the first day or two, but here we are on day three and the darts sent to Palin are not working. As the mud slingers fail, the dig deeper into the muck and start coming […]

12 responses so far

Aug 31 2008

Judgement Verses Tenure – McCain on Fox New Sunday

McCain’s interview on Fox refocused the question of ‘experience’ to include the additional aspect of ‘judgement’ = what was learned by that experience. McCain did a great job of reminding America that Gov Palin has been to Kuwait as a commander-in-chief of the Alaska National Guard, it underscores how quality time is better than just […]

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