Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Jul 04 2008

Obama’s Going To Hurt Himself With All These Flip Flops!

Well, we seem to have discovered the ‘true’ Barack Obama – he is your classic ‘say anything to win’ politician! During the primaries Barack Obama was the liberal candidate, he was far left’s candidate who would take their issues to Washington and make them relevant again! Here is some of what he said (or implied, […]

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Jul 01 2008

McCain’s Enemies Left And Right

Published by under 2008 Elections

Marc Ambinder and I agree that the far left and far right have gone too far in their attacks on McCain (which folds into my post below on how the fringes are ruining America).

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Jul 01 2008

Obama’s “Patriot” Speech Illustrates All His Faults

I am going to fisk Obama today – he has had it coming for a long time. I am going to challenge the empty suit’s soaring and vacuous rhetoric on “Patriotism” to demonstrate why fancy words woven together in a nice cadence are meaningless without purpose and value against our challenges. Obama’s speeches have sunken […]

29 responses so far

Jul 01 2008

America May Tune Out This Election

I am getting the feeling this country is at a breaking point with hyper-partisan dribble. I know I am. Not everyone is worked up to a fevered pitch, but those who are too many times run on a nasty combination of arrogance and ignorance. Needless to say they are also running low on respect and […]

15 responses so far

Jun 30 2008

OMG, Liberal Media Realizes Obama Is Wrong On Iraq!

This New Yorker article on Iraq and Obama’s idiotic plans to surrender to al-Qaeda there, despite all our hard won successes, is just stunning. First, it recognizes the work that made the sea change in Iraq possible – though in typical liberal faction it credits ‘luck’ instead of determination to win, and the sacrifices made […]

36 responses so far

Jun 30 2008

Ugly Liberals: Only Care If Terrorists Are Tortured, Not If Americans Are

The “Ugly Liberal” is coming out in the Democrat Party. A close cousin to the Ugly American – who would go to Europe and other places and display such arrogance and snobbery that it gave all America a bad reputation – this is the election for the Ugly Liberal. It is their hate of Americans, […]

18 responses so far

Jun 29 2008

Obama Can’t Win In November

The calculus required for Obama to win enough votes against John McCain appears to be based on fantasy math.  There are times were things just cannot line up, no matter how much people wish they could. But Obama has to knit together a coalition which is impossible to because each side is repulsed by the […]

18 responses so far

Jun 27 2008

The Ever Shrinking Obama

The luster is fading fast on Obama as he has begun to show just how much of a misleading politician he really is: From the beginning, Barack Obama’s special appeal was his vow to remain an idealistic outsider, courageous and optimistic, and never to shift his positions for political expediency, or become captive of the […]

4 responses so far

Jun 26 2008

The Messiah Sinks

I know there are some polls out there with some heavy tilt towards Barack Obama, but I tend to watch Gallup which has been running a daily tracking poll for weeks now on the Presidential race and is showing just the opposite: The reason Gallup is an interesting poll is it samples one of the […]

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Jun 26 2008

Obama Finally Exposes His Lying Nature To His ‘Base’ – Updated

Presidential candidate Barack Obama just broke the hearts of just about everyone who helped him defeat Hillary Clinton to become the liberal (and Democrat) Presidential candidate. Obama through his liberal supporters under the bus on one of the key signature liberal issues.  Specifically, the new FISA laws put into place by President Bush and Democrats […]

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