Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Jun 24 2008

Floaters Unite!

I guess I am proud floater who drifts right more often than naught, at least according to the Brits: The british have a more sophisticated and accurate lexicon to describe their elections than we crass Americans do. U.S. politicians aggressively “run for election,” while British candidates more calmly “stand for office.” And what we call […]

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Jun 23 2008

Liberal Media Targets “Grumpy Old Ladies”

The ugly side of the Democrat Party has been exposed in terrible clarity as it tries to deal with the nomination battle between Clinton and Obama.  I had no idea how cruel and uncaring the Democrats could be against their own base when it dares to not follow the party line.  I was simply stunned […]

8 responses so far

Jun 22 2008

Now Showing Across The Nation: “The FISA Follies”

What is up with the Democrats? They have decided to go with complete lies to their base in light of the FISA legislation compromise Bush and the GOP just won in the House of Representatives (see my previous posts here on how great this was for conservatives). Are they so confident in their ability to […]

14 responses so far

Jun 21 2008

Sweet Victory In Iraq Will Derail The ’08 Democrat Juggernaut

Which force in America is bigger, broader and more powerful: Victory or Defeat? We shall learn the answer in this year’s national elections. The Democrat Party has had a running dialogue with America for years now about how we are such losers for trying to change humanity’s trajectory, why we cannot destroy the building hate […]

9 responses so far

Jun 21 2008

Statistical Garbage Poll

Newsweek as demonstrated why not all polls are created equal. After weeks of watching the Gallup and Rasmussen Daily tracking polls at RCP we discover that Obama has had a dead-cat bounce in the polls. His lead rose to 7-8 points for a few days, and then fell back down to 2-5 points. But Newsweek […]

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Jun 21 2008

The Magical Mystery Of Obama The Enigma

Who is Barack Obama?  What does this cypher of a candidate stand for?  He seems to be an endless sequence of popular and conflicting platitudes upon which people project their deepest desires.  As I noted in a previous post that discussed Obama’s amazingly precise, manufactured vagueness – Obama is much like the fictional Mirror of Erised […]

3 responses so far

Jun 20 2008

Will Obama (of Erised) Throw America Under The Bus?

David Brooks has a harsh, but interesting piece out today on the enigma that is Barack Obama: God, Republicans are saps. They think that they’re running against some academic liberal who wouldn’t wear flag pins on his lapel, whose wife isn’t proud of America and who went to some liberationist church where the pastor damned […]

12 responses so far

Jun 17 2008

Independents Moving To McCain – A Group Obama Cannot Lose

Major Update:  In the Year of The Democrat, Obama is not doing as well with Democrats as McCain is among Republicans: There is a remarkable consistency across all these polls, one that helps us draw certain boundaries around the electorate. There will always be variation, either random or events-driven, but the rough plot lines of […]

40 responses so far

Jun 16 2008

Far Right Pushing The Wrong VP

I feel for Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, he looks to be a nice family person and has had a skyrocketing career. But he is the wrong candidate for the VP slot on McCain’s ticket. Gingrich is out pushing Jindal for VP: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) said Sunday that Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal “would […]

26 responses so far

Jun 15 2008

Rudy For Vice President!

Published by under 2008 Elections

Boy, could I get behind a McCain-Giuliani ticket! That would really put New York and California in play. I will note the David Frum piece linked to does not once suggest picking Rudy – but someone has it in mind and I like it. In fact, knowing Frum is a far right ‘true’ conservative, I […]

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