Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

May 31 2008

Iran Backs Obama

Wow – kiss Obama’s chances for election good-bye. So far the socialist appeaser has the endorsements of Hamas, Daniel Ortega, Cuba and other nefarious and anti-American nut cases and organizations. But Obama has captured the big enchilada by gaining the support of the Mad Mullahs of Iran who still claim they are at war with […]

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May 31 2008

John Kerry Takes Liberal Denial To New Heights

John Kerry is the classic liberal in denial about Iraq. All of a sudden, with both war fronts in Afghanistan and Iraq going well, the liberal denials and finger pointing at the right are coming fast, furious and ludicrous. Kerry muttered what has to be the dumbest thing I have ever read in my life […]

22 responses so far

May 30 2008

Success Continues In The War On Terror – Too Large To Ignore Or Deny Any Longer

The perpetrators of the 9-11 atrocities, and many other atrocities on the West since then, are heading for defeat. They are being brought to justice for their heinous crimes. America is on the verge of making good on all those promises we made to the 3,000 who died that fateful day in 2001. Along the […]

35 responses so far

May 29 2008

Obama Is About To Get A Hard Wake-Up Call

Obama is thinking about visiting Iraq this summer, the most important place on planet Earth when it comes to America’s recent past, present and future with regards to our national security.   If he goes he is in for a serious wake-up call that will test him as a human being like nothing else has […]

44 responses so far

May 27 2008

Finger Pointing Will Not Help GOP Or Conservatives

The answer to all of the rights concerns this year seems to boil down to “find the most pure conservatism”.  We see it over and over again as the denial and finger pointing continue from the right, and we see it again today from Sen Tom Coburn: Many Republicans are waiting for a consultant or […]

47 responses so far

May 24 2008

Clumsy Clinton Continues On

Boy, what part of “the Clintons would do anything to win” do people not understand?  Clinton must have been really tired and worn out to let slip one of the worst political gaffes in history – saying one reason to stay in would be just in case some nut assassinates Obama: SICK. Disgusting. And yet […]

11 responses so far

May 23 2008

Democrat Congressman: We Lied To Anti-War Liberals (And America) To Win Congress

Published by under 2008 Elections,Iraq

Wow – a politician who seems to have to tell the truth has admitted that the Democrats lied to their anti-war base about stopping the war in Iraq: More specifically, Paul Kanjorski’s problem is that he was publicly honest about the intentionaldishonesty of Congressional Democrats (and Democrat candidates) in the run-up to the 2006 election […]

13 responses so far

May 23 2008

The Fight Over The Future Of Conservatism And The GOP Is On

See Update Below Well, it started back in 2006 when Bush nominated ex-democrat (wasn’t Reagan an ex-dem?) Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court and the far right went ape.  The far right rose up again on Dubai Ports World’s selection to run some US docks.  Even though the UAE, home of DPW, hosts the largest […]

66 responses so far

May 22 2008

More On The Michelle Obama “Whitey” Rumor

Addendum Below We are down to the wire in the democrat presidential nomination process and the Clinton’s desperately need to derail the Obama-Express. In what looks like another Foleygate smear job Larry Johnson, big Clinton fanatic and your basic political hitman, has re-affirmed the existence of a video where Michelle Obama rails against “whitey”: I […]

20 responses so far

May 22 2008

Clintons Will Do Anything For Power

I think the funniest part of this election season is watching the left wake up to the realization that the Clinton’s will say and do anything for political power.  That is what many people outside the leftward fever swamps said all during Clinton’s disastrous two terms (where he started with all three elected bodies in […]

17 responses so far

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