Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

May 14 2008

Another GOP “True Conservative” & “Amnesty Hypochondriac” Bites The Dust

The fall out from the purity wars launched by the far right in the GOP continues to rack up successes – for the Democrats. In a major blow to national Republicans, a Mississippi congressional seat that once voted for President Bush by a twenty-five point margin elected a Democrat on Tuesday. Prentiss County Chancery Clerk […]

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May 14 2008

Clinton Clobbers Obama In West-By-Golly

Updated! It wasn’t even close folks, 67% for Clinton to 26% for Obama. WV is not Obama country (which is true for a lot of the country). LJStrata and I had a date to see a friend’s son’s band play locally so we did not get to see the returns or the talking head commentary, […]

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May 13 2008

Will Clinton Stay In After Her Romp In West-By-Golly?

Hillary Clinton is going to clean Barack Obama’s clock in West Virginia today, so what will that bring us? If I were Hillary I would stay in at least until the last primaries to show respect for the voters – something the Democrats panicking over the primary battle are afraid to do. It would give […]

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May 12 2008

OK, I’m Convinced Obama Is The Next Dukakis

I had not really seen any connection between Sen Obama’s campaign and the disastrous campaign of Governor Michael Dukakis against George Bush Sr in 1988. But that was up until I read Susan Estrich try and make the case Obama is not another Dukakis. Tried and failed, that is. By the time I got through […]

24 responses so far

May 11 2008

WSJ Agrees 2008 Is The Year Of The Centrist

Hyper partisanship is out. The American people, who largely do not obsess about politics, is fed up with those who do obsess to the point there is no answer they will accept on any issue – except the answer of the extremes. The liberals tasted this in 2006 with the Ned Lamont (far left) and […]

42 responses so far

May 08 2008

2008 – The Year Of The Centrists

As a conservative independent I of course like to view the world through my only lens of preferences, but I think it is safe to say I have my biases fairly well checked when I claim this year Americans are heading away from the hyper-partisan fringes, weary of nearly 3 decades of hyper-partisan rancor and […]

67 responses so far

May 08 2008

As The Pressure Builds To Blow Apart The Democrats ….

One thing the News Media forgets is voters don’t like their apparent influence and efforts to twist a race towards their preferred candidates. Typically this meddling in our democracy by the very liberal news media (note their multi-year effort to get us to surrender in Iraq, which is why many times I refer to them […]

5 responses so far

May 07 2008

Clinton’s Morning-After Hangover

Well, it seems Clinton did not pull off the big win she needed, while Obama did in NC. But if you step back from the media hype we still have the same basic tie that has been in place for weeks. The Democrat party voters are split and not budging one way or the other, […]

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May 06 2008

Live Blogging The IN & NC Primaries

5:50 PM Eastern: Here we go again, with early exit polls leaning Obama – which have been proven wrong time and time again in these primaries. Huge turnout has never helped Obama (recall how PA played out!). So all the hype about exit polls showing a large Obama lead in NC are possibly right, but […]

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May 06 2008

Primary Predictions 05_06_08

Well, I was going to predict it was going to be a good day for Hillary Clinton. I am sure she will do well in Indiana, but North Carolina was going to be the test of whether she had some momentum (or, conversely, if Obama was losing support). The problem we have in all this […]

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