Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Apr 28 2008

Jeremiah Wright – The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Personally I find Rev Jeremiah Wright a sad echo from a sad time in America. He, like so many other aging baby-boomer liberals is living in the glory days of the 60’s and 70’s. He is trying as hard as he can to stoke the fires of racism in the country – all in the […]

23 responses so far

Apr 22 2008

NY Times PO’d At Hillary For Ruining Their Agenda

Reader WWS referred me to this emotional diatribe out of the NY Times, which in a fit of frustration has clearly shown its liberal stripes and unprofessionalism by letting such a piece of ranting fiction out of it’s doors and into the hands of its customers: The Pennsylvania campaign, which produced yet another inconclusive result […]

16 responses so far

Apr 22 2008

PA Results

8:25 PM: Everyone is racing to dump the exit polls. Jim Geraghty has the most interesting reporting on exit polls claiming Drudge got them backwards when he posted 52% Clinton 48% Obama. He also reports Obama winning blue color, Reagan democrats – which is opposite from what has been reported in the exit polls. Looks […]

24 responses so far

Apr 22 2008

PA Predictions

Assuming Drudge has it right with Clinton’s internal polls showing an 11 point lead, and assuming the boost in voter registration is not favoring one candidate too much (and why should it be?), then I would say Clinton is going to have a very good day today. But I don’t think anything will be settled […]

28 responses so far

Apr 19 2008

Obama’s Crash

All those who expected Obama to crash instantly in the polls don’t understand polls and don’t understand this time in the process. This far out from the election the people are not tuned in (only us political addicts), so it takes time for events to ripple through. I saw tons of fantasy headlines about how […]

25 responses so far

Apr 19 2008

Clintons And Dems Face The Monster They Created

Why is propaganda dangerous? I believe it is because it has two elements that can get out of control real quick. First it tries to harness mob think, creating a false sense of emergency in tandem with labeling some group as the root cause of the emergency. This focuses the mob’s anger and resentment onto […]

34 responses so far

Apr 18 2008

al-Qaeda Leader Supports Democrat Views On Iraq

It is not a good sign when the enemies of America are saying the same thing as Presidential candidates. It means the two see common cause. So what to make of Ayman Zawahiri’s claims the US has failed in Iraq: Al Qaeda’s second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahri said in an audio message to mark five years since […]

16 responses so far

Apr 18 2008

Gallup Fails Statistics 101

Gallup released an interesting poll showing who is wining (McCain vs Clinton/Obama) in states that Bush and Kerry won in 2006. What we see is the same as 2006, with Bush states going to McCain and Kerry states going to the dems. Here is the 2006 Bush-Kerry chart:, Note the 1% difference in all the […]

2 responses so far

Apr 17 2008

Hamas Endorses Barack H Obama!

Boy, I thought the “Allaho Akbar, Obama Rahbar” signs supporting Barack Obama were bad, but now it seems Hamas has come out for the Surrendercrat as well (H/T Powerline). And Hamas knows that once the US leaves Iraq the plan for the extremists to take over so they can destroy Israel – at least according […]

11 responses so far

Apr 17 2008

Democrats Demonstrate Why Neither Can Be Commander-In-Chief

I could only stomach a few minutes of the Democrat debate (and only had time to watch the last half, but declined to do so), so take this commentary for what it’s worth. I want to commend the questioning by ABC – it was tough for the two rounds of questions I watched. The questions […]

16 responses so far

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