Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Apr 16 2008

Obama Hero Of Persian Islamists?

Boy, last thing you need as a President candidate is support from Persian Islamists. Persia, of course, is now Iran. Checkout Gateway Pundit and AntiMullah for the devastating story and pictures. Maybe it is all just an ingenious Hillary black-ops media ploy on Obama?

13 responses so far

Apr 15 2008

Pressure Building For Democrat Implosion

I have to admit I have enjoyed watching the democrats self destruct this year. It has been slowly building as their once vaulted hopes of riding a defeat in Iraq to the White House have been dashed by not only a path to victory laid before us in Iraq, but the infighting of the left’s […]

52 responses so far

Apr 14 2008

Obama Was Right For Wrong Reasons

Is America bitter with government. Hell yes, look at the polls. Is America bitter because government doesn’t provide all we need? Hell, no. Few people want handouts, and fewer want bureaucrats meddling with their lives, which is the price of handouts. And for those who believe all the BS pols spout about what they will […]

35 responses so far

Apr 13 2008

Amateur Obama Is A Professional Elitist

Boy, did Obama stick his foot in his mouth this time. Somehow people of tradition and religion who want to raise their kids their way (not Hollywood’s way, nor the way of the sleazy super rich NY Club crowd) do these things out of frustration, instead of purpose. Somehow following your normal, run of the […]

15 responses so far

Apr 13 2008

Bureaucrats And Congress Flexing Their ‘Nuisance” Muscles, Using Average American As Pawns, Political Wars Out Of Control

When is a government job not in the interest of the American People? Well, one good sign is when the job’s purpose is for the bureaucrat to gain personally while the people in general suffer. Bureaucrats work for the people, at the pleasure of the people. When the people become their pawns we have lost […]

5 responses so far

Apr 11 2008

Is America A Nation Of Defeatists Or Ever Hopeful Fighters?

Margaret Carlson, die hard founding member of the liberal SurrenderMedia, is starting to wake up and see how the race for President will unfold, and why the dems have no chance of winning. She realizes that the race depends on your view of America, and your view of where you want to see it go: […]

27 responses so far

Apr 10 2008

Stunning NY Presidential Polls

The Democrats cannot afford to have to fight McCain in New York, but some new polls out show they would have to do just that: When matched head to head against John McCain, both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are in a surprisingly close race in New York. Clinton receives support from 48% of the […]

3 responses so far

Apr 10 2008

Best Reason I’ve Seen For McCain As President And The GOP In Congress

One thing America is sick of is the use of the law to settle differences of opinion. And the cutthroat crap in DC has been debilitating to the functioning of our government and juvenile in its claims. And so when the wacky left remind us they have plans for payback for Clinton’s impeachment, they make […]

101 responses so far

Apr 09 2008

Races To Watch: Pro-War Iraq Vets For Congress

This is going to be an interesting year in politics. While all of us wish the war in Iraq were over, most of us would prefer to go out winning. And since we are moving towards success the defeatism on the left is a perfect contrast in policy. And we will have plenty of races […]

4 responses so far

Apr 08 2008

Too Funny

I have to give this site some free advertisement because this is just too funny to pass up for this fan of the 3 Stooges:

3 responses so far

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