Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Apr 07 2008

Dems Face Tough Week Facing Realities In Iraq

General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker will be top of the news this week as they come before Congress to tell of the sea change in Iraq since last year at this time when the Dems tried every trick they could think of to stop the Surge and Awakening from purging much of Iraq […]

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Apr 06 2008

Run Condi, Run!

Man, if I had one wish this year it would be for Condi Rice to run as VP (and hopefully President in 2012). I find her to be one of the sharpest people in DC, and totally not run by polls or talking heads. She is a lot like Bush, but clearly with her own […]

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Apr 06 2008

Obama Ditches Anti-War Left

I know a lot of people have imprinted their own hopes and fantasies on Barack Obama, and I can tell as reality peaks out from behind Obama’s well oiled PR charade there will be a huge let down on the left. Case in point today – Obama folds under McCain’s pressure and smacks down the […]

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Apr 01 2008

Pelosi Does What She Does Best: Surrenders On Super Delegates

Nancy Pelosi has decided that the Democrat race will go on and super delegates are free to vote however they wish: WASHINGTON – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the superdelegates who may ultimately decide the Democratic party’s presidential nominee have a right to vote as they wish, and that the drawn-out contest between candidates Hillary […]

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Mar 31 2008

The Coming Of The Next Great Depression – Put The Liberal News Media On Suicide Watch

There is a “Great Depression” coming – but it is not a financial phenomena. It is a narcissistic and gluttonous obsession that is emanating from the psychotic bowels of a dying industry – the liberal news media. After decades of developing a liberally slanted bias over many decades that has never been seen before (and […]

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Mar 30 2008

In Looney Toon Year Dems Contemplate A True Mickey Mouse Move

So what if Obama and Clinton end up crippling each other over the next few months (which appears inevitable now) what should the dems do? Well, one thing I suggest they do not do is dump both Clinton and Obama and go with Al Gore, who ran a ridiculously inept run for President in 2000. […]

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Mar 28 2008

Obama Throws Wright Under The Bus – Caught In Another Lie

Obama must realize the hits he is taking for his relationship with an anti-American, anti-white ‘pastor’ are crippling his support, because today Obama’s BS-Express went into high gear: In appearance taped for airing this morning on “The View,” Senator Obama makes news by saying he might have left Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ if […]

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Mar 21 2008

Democrat Implosion Continues

The democrats are in a heap of trouble going into the 2008 Presidential election. The infighting is causing many supporters of each candidate to prefer McCain over their democrat opposition if their candidates lose: The lengthy Democratic primary contest bodes well for Republican chances of holding the White House, a new poll suggests. As Democratic […]

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Mar 20 2008

Obama’s Church Allied With Hamas, Which Align Osama Bin Laden’s Plans Against Israel

Boy, this year’s presidential race is turning surreal. At the same time Osama Bin Laden calls for jihad against Israel (presumably to divert US and international forces from their plans to take out al-Qaeda’s last refuge in the lawless tribal areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan) we learn Democrat presidential candidate Obama’s church was distributing Hamas […]

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Mar 20 2008

Why Obama’s Speech Failed

Bumped: Update Below – Dems tanking against McCain I have watched a lot of people swoon over the Obama speech, and a lot of people challenging it. Seems it was mostly a wash. Personally few speeches move me unless the topic is right and the person believes in it. Both were missing in Obama’s speech […]

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