Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Mar 08 2008

How Bad Off Is The GOP This Year? We will Learn A Lot Today

Final Update: It seems there may be more at play in this special election than one of my readers first indicated (and then denied – the comments are there for folks to parse). Another reader, WWS, notes this factor: Foster’s ads reminded voters that Oberweis — who campaigned on a very hard line against illegal […]

121 responses so far

Mar 08 2008

Time To Assess Our Failed Conservatism

Want to know why conservatism is on the rocks? I claim it is the purity wars where some claim superiority over all others, and emphasize their ‘true conservatism’ by calling their so-called allies names like ‘traitor’ and ‘RINO’. This all stems form the inability to lose one’s case with honor and maturity in a democracy. […]

64 responses so far

Mar 08 2008

Clinton Has Exposed Obama’s Inexperience

4 responses so far

Mar 05 2008

Divided Dems Heading For Crack-Up VI

The stakes are high in presidential politics, so therefore the emotions are high too. And when your candidacy is built upon some near-religious hope in a sea-change, as Obama’s campaign is, then defeat is all the more crushing when Nirvana is taken away (even though it really never existed). Not to mention all the work […]

14 responses so far

Mar 05 2008

Divided Dems Heading For Crack-Up V

Back on February 6th, right after Super Tuesday 1, I predicted the Dems would splinter and be at each other’s throats to their convention. It started with this post: The democrats may be able to do for the presidential race in 2008 what they did for the last Congress on Iraq – screw up royally. […]

4 responses so far

Mar 04 2008

McCain & Clinton’s Super Tuesday

Watched the returns from Reston, VA. McCain sews up the GOP nomination and Hillary is the come back kid. With OH and RI in her corner Clinton wins enough to go on. And I suspect she will eek out a win in TX. Right now I would prefer the vacuous phenom Obama up against McCain. […]

46 responses so far

Mar 04 2008

Obama Tied To Iraq Oil? Connecting Random Dots

This is too funny not to post. Connecting random dots can lead to interesting patterns, of course are simply speculation, or even simply a Rorschach test to see patterns that are in the mind’s eye. So let me be clear, these ‘dots’ could be coincidental – or they could be something else. It revolves around […]

3 responses so far

Mar 04 2008

Team Obama Feels His Support Slipping, Clinton Should Surprise Today

I noted something happening back on Feb 20th, when leftist blogs started becoming tired with Obama and his boring victory speech after his WI win. Then a few days later I wrote about the ‘mob-think’ nature of his followers and how that was starting to disturb a few people who are just too seasoned to […]

9 responses so far

Mar 03 2008

TX and OH Predictions

Looking at the RCP poll averages for TX and OH I think Hillary will pull out a win in OH and make TX so close (if not a win) that she lives to fight on for the remainder of the primaries and into the convention. The TX polls are basically a tie, so even if […]

19 responses so far

Mar 02 2008

Obama Is Losing It, And America

Updates Below! The problem phenoms such Obama is they come to believe they have super human powers and can change the world from its gritty, some times deadly, reality into a Sesame Street paradise where all is as simple as counting to twenty. The crowds start intoxicating their mind with the idea the mob-think is […]

9 responses so far

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