Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Feb 21 2008

Don’t Reward The NY Times Mudslinging

Everyone is all atwitter with a NY Time article that states McCain (a politician) was meeting with a lobbyist while the Senate had related legislation on its docket. The core of the article is all office gossip that there was maybe an affair, or some advisors were concerned that some mud-mucking media outlet would write […]

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Feb 20 2008

The Clintons Are Not Finished

I am not expecting Hillary to win any more. Laura Ingraham had a note from the TX voting which started yesterday and it showed a record 10 fold increase in turn out on the first day of early voting. Instead of the 1200 voters who showed up in 2006 12,000 showed up for long lines. […]

27 responses so far

Feb 20 2008

Obama Momentum Will Not Last, He Has Little Staying Power

Congrats to Barack Obama on his wins last night. He is doing the nation a great favor by ending the dismal political reign of the Clintons. I would have preferred to see Clinton in the general election because of one simple fact – no one in this nation outside the Clinton Clan wants to see […]

6 responses so far

Feb 19 2008

Live Blogging WI Primary – It’s A Dem Battle In Wisconsin! Obama/McCain

7:30 PM Eastern: I am going to be ignoring the GOP race since it looks like a cake-walk for McCain today. I will be interested in seeing his margin in the vote and delegates, but that is of distant secondary interest. What I’m fascinated to see how Hillary does in WI. It seems some exit […]

23 responses so far

Feb 19 2008

Obama Peaked Too Early

Obama’s spell is wearing off and fast. His Sesame Street view of the world is starting to sound pretty silly. At one point I was willing to listen to his plans to heal America – but he has no plans but only syrupy platitudes best suited for a children’s TV show. That is why I […]

9 responses so far

Feb 18 2008

Clinton Can Win Wisconsin

Hillary Clinton has a chance to turn things around in Wisconsin, and have the Democrats continue on their path to self-destruction at their late summer convention. Clinton is only down by 4% in the latest RCP poll average – which is a statistical dead heat given the polls this year. But something else I noticed […]

10 responses so far

Feb 15 2008

In Time Of War Dems Pushing To Investigate Americans, But Not Terrorists

This nation is fed up with hyper-partisan crap, especially attempts to smear the other party for simply exercising what has been normal government power. To illustrate that the Surrendercrat Party is still not a mature or serious offering of leadership the Democrat Congress is going to do two things this week: (1) they targeted US […]

5 responses so far

Feb 14 2008

Iraq Progress Update

I noted yesterday that Iraq had made huge legislative progress on their road to a stable victory over al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein. But I missed one interesting point that came out in a new story today – October elections. This was found in a grudging editorial from the NY Times on the successes in Iraq: […]

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Feb 14 2008

Can The Dems Lose Voters? On National Security They Do

Nothing has been predicted in 2008, and nothing can be predicted – except the year will go down as the one which was completely unpredictable. The reason? The war on terror. When making their prognostications pollsters and political talking heads are used to a level of broad and slow momentum in the culture that includes […]

26 responses so far

Feb 13 2008

Are We Seeing ‘Reagan Democrats’ Becoming ‘McCain Democrats’?

Are we seeing Reagan Democrats becoming McCain Democrats?: Gallup: McCain wins more Democrats than Obama wins Republicans? And if this is happening, and McCain gets conservative Dems and Independents is this a bad thing? Maybe to the ‘conservatives in exile’, but for the country I would think it would be enormously good news.

32 responses so far

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