Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Feb 13 2008

Obama Votes To Protect Terrorists From Surveillance

Barack “Big Bird” Obama is not going to be as tough to beat as some fear. Right now he is the agent of “change”, but America saw how that vague concept can represent “change for the worse” with the Democrat Congress that won in 2006. Obama is part of that failed Congress and Americans are […]

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Feb 13 2008

McCain’s Win In VA Pretty Big at +11%

Even I was not ready to see this big a win in VA for McCain. With 97.65% of precincts in McCain is ahead 50.86% to 39.68% for Huckabee, which is good 11% win. Not to mention over 50% for McCain in basically a two man race. Time to be a party against liberal defeatism, or […]

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Feb 12 2008

Obama On Iraq Is Like Big Bird On Iraq

In his speech tonight Obama said Bush-McCain will continue “a war that never should have been fought, never should have been authorized!” I could not help finish his thought for him: “a war that never should have been fought, never should have been authorized, and never should have been won! Vote for me and we […]

12 responses so far

Feb 12 2008

McCain & Huckabee In VA: Unity Has Power – Live Blogging The Potomac Primaries

VA: McCain Big Win (+8-9%), Obama Crushing Win (+~27%) There’s a minor battle brewing in VA. It seems the social conservatives have come out in large numbers in the western part of the state (more my roots than outside DC where I live). Exit polls show over 50% of GOP voters think McCain is not […]

23 responses so far

Feb 12 2008

Hannity & Gingrich, Conservatives In “Exile”

Another day, another whine from conservative talk radio. Hannity and Speaker Newt Gringrich were talking today about how they are now “conservatives in exile” – which means they no longer consider themselves Republicans. Clearly they see something not apparent to the rest of regarding the fortunes of the hyper-right in this nation. Why else basically […]

84 responses so far

Feb 11 2008

Huckabee’s Boomlet Is Over, Can Conservatives Lose Gracefully?

Want to know who will win the VA, MD and DC GOP primaries handily? It won’t be Huckabee, it will be McCain. The polls show McCain romping in these states who will vote tomorrow see (RCP polls for VA and MD). So when Huckabee is blown out of the South in VA will the delusional […]

26 responses so far

Feb 11 2008

Divided Dems Heading For Crack-Up IV

The Democrat’s potential crack-up at their convention is real and has a lot of people concerned. Here is a brief round up of the dire situation facing a fading Clinton effort, who will do anything to hold onto power. First up, liberal loose cannon Frank Rich goes after the Clintons and some of their more […]

6 responses so far

Feb 10 2008

The End Of Hyper-Partisanship

Some folks are starting to finally awaken to the theme of this election cycle – and it is to stay out of the partisan fringes. One Washington Post article notes clear and unambiguous poll data highlighting the trend: n fact, there’s a simple reason why the chattering classes have so consistently called this election wrong. […]

16 responses so far

Feb 10 2008

Divided Dems Heading For Crack-Up III

Obama’s stunning wins over Hillary Saturday were impressive in vote margin, but marginal in terms of how little he was able to gain: While Mr. Obama had been expected to win the contests on Saturday, the margin of victories were surprising, particularly in Washington, a predominately white state where he captured 57 percent of the […]

3 responses so far

Feb 09 2008

Huckabee Win In KS Shows GOP Elites Not Ready For McCain

What does a caucus win in KS by Huckabee mean? Same thing all those caucus wins on Super Tuesday meant for Romney – nothing much. Until Huckabee wins primaries (and he has a shot in VA this Tuesday, but I doubt he will win it) all this shows is the continued resistance of the GOP […]

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