Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Feb 09 2008

VP Stakes, My Choices

RCP has a list of top candidates for McCain’s VP selection and the top two listed turn out (surprise, surprise) to be my top two picks. They include my top desire for President Condi Rice, and another great American former Rep JC Watts. And yes, both are African Americans – trust me I like the […]

18 responses so far

Feb 09 2008

Divided Dems Heading For Crack-Up II

In a previous post I noted the Democrats cannot avoid a crippling crack up this election as Hillary and Obama run neck and neck to a convention (which was idiotically moved up by the dems to Labor Day – to late to heal the wounds of a brokered convention). Al Gore’s Presidential campaign manager has […]

9 responses so far

Feb 08 2008

Hannity’s Afternoon Meltdown

Boy, oh boy. Something is happening with the ‘true’ conservatives on AM Talk Radio. I tuned into Hannity see what had happened today and the guy just went off on what can only be described as a lick-spittle tirade! Apparently Rich Galen wrote a piece today and noted how conservatives tearing down McCain is basically […]

44 responses so far

Feb 08 2008

Talk Radio Back In The Box

Glenn Reynolds linked to a very good observation about talk radio and its role in American politics – which is not as leaders for the cause: Polls didn’t look good for Romney going into that primary anyhow, and when he did lose it to McCain, it was evident that Hewitt & Co. had failed. I […]

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Feb 08 2008

Divided Dems Heading For Crack-Up

Now that the GOP side of the Presidential election is decided (and we can ignore that race for a long while) the Democrat side of the equation is heading into a disaster – a split party. I seriously doubt either of the two junior senators will take a VP slot under the other, and there […]

3 responses so far

Feb 07 2008

Suicide Voters, “Independent” Conservatives And Other Foolishness

Boy, has the political world been turned on its head as Americans run from the fringes and towards ‘the center’. Today is one of those days I am a proud (and an original – since 1982) Independent Conservative. The madness overtaking the Mary Poppins Conservatives as they run around with their Holier Than Thou schtick […]

26 responses so far

Feb 07 2008

The Last “True” Conservative Bows Out Of Presidential Race

As I predicted Romney’s poor showing on Super Tuesday, especially his dismal 3rd place showing across the South, pretty much ended his bid for the GOP nomination. It appears Romney has realized that his poor showing, coupled with his low donation rates given how much he has had to self fund his campaign, indicates a […]

20 responses so far

Feb 06 2008

Romney Opposed Ronald Reagan?

I have to wonder about all those pure “Reagan Conservatives” who are backing the supposedly ‘true’ conservative Mitt Romney – as this McCain campaign ad illustrates: So Mitt Romney opposed Reagan. And he is the true Reagan conservative? Who is feeding who a bunch of propaganda?Who is feeding who a bunch of propaganda? Why is […]

10 responses so far

Feb 06 2008

Clinton’s Faltering Campaign On Fumes

It seems Hillary Clinton is out of gas. As Obama is on track to continue to swamp Clinton in campaign donations Hillary has had to loan herself $5M to keep her campaign afloat to next week’s round of devastating primaries and caucuses: Senator Hillary Clinton confirmed at a press conference in Virginia this afternoon that […]

4 responses so far

Feb 06 2008

Conservative Talk Radio Ain’t Dead, It Just Smells Funky

Welcome Instapundit Readers!: I would like to go on the record as someone who has always opposed John McCain for President, but who also understands that the conservative movement has more to lose with Obama and Clinton in the WH than with McCain in the WH. I second Glenn in recommending this companion piece at […]

34 responses so far

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