Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Feb 06 2008

Obama Edges Clinton In Delegates, Democrats Rudderless

Clinton won the big states, but the proportional allocation of delegates allowed Obama to take the delegate lead from her anyway: In a surprise twist after a chaotic Super Tuesday, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) passed Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) in network tallies of the number of delegates the candidates racked up last night. Clinton […]

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Feb 06 2008

The RINO “Pseudo-Conservatives” Trounced The “True Conservatives”

I told you so. Yep, had to get that out of the way finally. Ever since the Gang of 14 and Harriet Miers I have warned the angry right that their purity wars against Bush and all who dared to disagree with them (which continued through issues like Dubai Ports and Immigration) was going to […]

51 responses so far

Feb 06 2008

Super Tuesday Super Summary: McCain Wins Big, Romney Loses Big, Obama-Hillary Tie, Dems Win Massive Turn Out

Here is my summary of Super Tuesday (live blogging post below): McCain is the big winner. He took the big states (still waiting on CA) and he took primaries with real voters with big margins. The Big Loser was Romney. He fell to 3rd across the south which tells me he is not carrying the […]

29 responses so far

Feb 05 2008

Live Blogging Super Duper Wuper Tuesday – Mitt’s 3rd Place Showing In South Crippling

OK folks, I am finally back in DC and ready to sit down with my scotch and my computer and do some live blogging (delayed for travel of course) of the Super Tuesday historic vote. What I saw on my flight back (Jet Blue is cool with live TV) was Obama take GA decisively, and […]

37 responses so far

Feb 05 2008

The “True Conservative” Romney Loses In WV

I tell you, it is becoming the ‘anybody but Mitt’ race as Romney loses WV to the combined forces of McCain and Huckabee: Marc Ambinder of The Atlantic reported Tuesday that, after the first ballot, McCain’s campaign called his supporters there and urged them to vote in favor of Huckabee. “Unfortunately, this is what Senator […]

17 responses so far

Feb 05 2008

Super Duper Wuper Tuesday!

I am heading back from warm sunny climes to the chill of DC today. Will be getting home as the election results start rolling in. I expect a big day for the two insurgent camps – Obama and McCain. As Jay Cost notes today McCain has most moderates and plenty of ‘conservatives’ to take nearly […]

18 responses so far

Feb 04 2008

McCain’s Big Day Is Coming

McCain has FL and is zeroed in on NY right now. If he takes CA that is 3 out of the 4 big states. And of course McCain will have a huge number of other smaller states in his column as well come Tuesday. While national polls are an average of the feelings in each […]

21 responses so far

Feb 03 2008

Race Tightening In Home Stretch To Super Tuesday

Polls are actually tightening up in some states (and at times by some pollsters) which means the two mavericks (Obama and McCain) are facing their strongest challenge from the establishment backed candidates (Romney and Clinton). Super Tuesday will be a test of each party’s remaining political strength over their respective base. The problem for both […]

52 responses so far

Feb 01 2008

Obama And McCain Rising

A quick look at some key polls tell you all you need to know about Super Tuesday. McCain’s and Obama’s numbers keep rising. The difference is McCain is expanding his lead while Obama is still overtaking Clinton. Check out these daily tracking poll graphs from Gallup: These national numbers (and the analysis that goes with […]

22 responses so far

Feb 01 2008

GOP RINO-Traitors For Hillary

I am laughing and crying with the apoplexy raging the hyper-right today. The most hilarious is Anne Coulter would rather campaign for Hillary over McCain. Is she now a greater RINO-Traitor than McCain because she is not just working on compromise bills with Dems but supporting them in the Presidential election? And isn’t sitting out […]

56 responses so far

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