Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Jan 10 2008

Mary Poppins Conservatives vs. Reality

I was listening to one of the premier Mary Poppins Conservatives today – Mark Levin – as I circled the nations capitol driving the beltway back home from work. I think of these ‘pure’ conservatives as a bunch of Mary Poppins who are constantly measuring others while declaring how they are “practically perfect in every […]

11 responses so far

Jan 09 2008

Rudy And Romney Make Some Moves

Interesting moves today. Romney is pulling ads out of SC and FL in a clear sign his campaign is reeling: Mitt Romney hasn’t extended his television presence into next week in South Carolina and Florida, an aide confirms. Romney has been on TV for months in both states, owning the airwaves long before his GOP […]

10 responses so far

Jan 09 2008

Dem Turnout Continues To Crush GOP

When we were done with Iowa I noted a very disturbing trend from 2000/2004 to 2008. The trend was enormous gains in Democrat voter numbers while the GOP stayed flat. Here are the numbers I computed after Iowa: The dems increased turn out by a whopping 89% in 4 years, while the GOP increased theirs […]

38 responses so far

Jan 09 2008

GOP Losing Independents – Do Insults Help?

While the “RINO” McCain won New Hampshire with a burst of conservative independents (like myself), the overall numbers of which way the non-aligned middle of America will trend shows the same thing as Iowa – GOP Losing big time. I can’t find numbers yet but Harold Huchison seems to have found some and they aren’t […]

9 responses so far

Jan 09 2008

Rudy’s New Ad

I mentioned below Rudy was on the air finally with his new ad. It played during the Fox News coverage of the New Hampshire primary. It’s pretty darn good, take a look: And reader Sally Vee notes Rudy also has a piece up on the WSJ today. Right no cue Rudy comes out ‘after’ the […]

3 responses so far

Jan 08 2008

RINOs Win, Amnesty Hypochondriacs Lose, Guiliani Hits The Airwaves

Mitt Romney’s last ditch desperation act to invoke the evils of illegal immigration did not save him. McCain still won handily. Just like the hate of all things immigrant will not save the GOP. That battle is over and America is rejecting the hypochondria of ‘amnesty’. The Amnesty Hypochondriacs are just now realizing they are […]

30 responses so far

Jan 08 2008

Clinton Survives To Fight Another Day

Well, it seems the Democratic establishment marshaled its forces and dashed the hopes of its new base for “change”. Hillary’s win in NH was a squeaker (here and here) – but what it actually does is breathe new life into the GOP. The Obaman juggernaut was going to be tough to take on. The “change” […]

8 responses so far

Jan 08 2008

Dem Turnout In NH Massive, Another Blowout Of GOP?

There is a tidal wave brewing and its name is Obama. Drudge is reporting the NH polling stations are running out of ballots across the state. Looks to me like Hillary will be crushed. What is also going to be worrisome – in this state which is very much 50-50 – is expect to see […]

29 responses so far

Jan 08 2008

Washington Posts Calls Dems On Iraq, Notes Obama Lie

Well its about time journalistic objectivity and honesty attempted a return to the “news media” (what I call the SurrenderMedia). Today in an editorial the Washington Post slammed the Democrats for not accepting success in Iraq, and slammed Obama for basically making crap up on the fly: AT SATURDAY’S New Hampshire debate, Democratic candidates were […]

5 responses so far

Jan 08 2008

NH Predictions: No Salvation For Hillary, Rudy Gets A Bump

I was not very close in my Iowa predictions (like most I missed the Obama wave) but if the first votes in Dixville Notch, NH are any indication Hillary is in for another drubbing (Photo from AP): Not a single vote. Looks like Edwards is going to be the partisan vote while Obama plays phenom. […]

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