Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Jan 04 2008

Giuliani’s Opening

I noted below that Iowa and New Hampshire are going to showcase the internal GOP divide for all to see. Iowa was the “anybody but a moderate” vote. And New Hampshire will be the “Only Moderates, Please” vote. Each state will highlight the ends of the conservative spectrum, and knock out a lot of contenders. […]

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Jan 03 2008

Romney’s and Hillary’s Future – into History

I think Obama is going to take the Democratic nomination now. His performance in Iowa is going to only be emphasized in NH. He has a following that cannot be ignored – his numbers are too strong not to rally the left. All three candidates on the left are slight shades of blue. It is […]

7 responses so far

Jan 03 2008

Clinton Not Selling To Far Left In Iowa

In Iowa dems seem to be saying ‘change’ is winning out over ‘experience’ (which is a joke when you have one candidate with less than one term as Senator, one with one term, and one a year into a second term). But the fact is Clinton is getting toasted by both Edwards and Obama combined. […]

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Jan 03 2008

The Great GOP Divide Opens In Iowa And New Hampshire

What an interesting night to see the flaming purity wars in action in the GOP. Recall that the Iowa Caucuses are the party stalwarts, so you are not seeing what governing coalition would represent, you are seeing the battle inside the GOP. Assuming the numbers hold up through the night we have Huckabee with 31%, […]

11 responses so far

Jan 03 2008

We Must Seize Momentum (Not the Defeat) In Iraq

There are a lot of presidential candidates out there today more than willing to stop pounding al-Qaeda, to stop chasing them down, and simply pretend we have won by holding parades down Main Street USA. It is a sick, pathetic and spineless plan for American defeat. It is more active on the far left, but […]

6 responses so far

Jan 02 2008

My Iowa Predictions

Here is what I see happening in Iowa tomorrow…. Nothing really. A bunch of party stalwarts are going to do a round of purifying their parties of those evil and traitorous moderates – which means the results from Iowa will be so out of sync with reality they will destroy the myth Iowa should be […]

9 responses so far

Jan 02 2008

Romney Self Destructs

Desperation is killing both Huckabee (see how good I am – I almost played this ad! Watch it and see how good I am!) and Romney – who is now trying to run as a version of Pelosi-Reid: Presidential candidate Mitt Romney said on Tuesday the Bush administration mismanaged the Iraq war, distancing himself from […]

19 responses so far

Jan 02 2008

Iraq Is The Big Issue In 2008 – Run On It!

Iraq is the big issue in 2008, despite what denial by the liberal press and their unprecedented news blackout on the path to victory against global terrorism. Ralph Peters notes the most important story of 2007 – the massive defeat of al-Qaeda forces by Muslim Iraqis: The greatest media story of 2007 was the one […]

2 responses so far

Jan 02 2008

Clinton 2.0 in 2008? No Way

I want Hillary Clinton to win Iowa, so the dems will lose the presidential election. That of course assumes the GOP puts up a right-center conservative who will be strong on terrorism and defense, keep taxes low and can reinvigorate the comprehensive immigration bill (that strengthens our borders, punishes employers who hired undocumented workers, creates […]

3 responses so far

Jan 01 2008

Democrat Failures In 2007 A Record

The only group to lose out more in 2007 than al-Qaeda was the Democrats in Congress. They were able to demonstrate that the last GOP Congress which did nothing because the far right feared compromise at any cost was not the lowest Congress could go. The Democrats showed how anger over previous election losses and […]

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