Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Nov 07 2007

GOP Needs To Stop Digging Their Political Grave

Update: Another indication that the far right is alienating (of course, insulting moderates, er.. RINOS, clearly alienates) the voters and costing elections: Republican losses yesterday, even in solidly GOP districts, he said, were more often the result of a candidate being too conservative for the moderate direction most voters want Virginia to take. “If you […]

34 responses so far

Nov 04 2007

The Bitter Failure Of Democrats Predicting Bitter Failure In Iraq

The Democrats are going to have a real tough time in 2008, and it will all be over Iraq. Their dire (and premature) predictions that we could not turn things around in Iraq are going to be played over and over again, in opposition to the swelling news of our amazing progress in that country […]

9 responses so far

Nov 03 2007

Is Bill Clinton Going To Run To Hill’s Defense Everytime She Has A Bad Day?

Is this what a Hillary Clinton presidential election run and, heaven forbid, presidency is going to be like? Every time Hillary get’s into trouble big, bad, (cheating) husband Bill Clinton is going to run out and defend his wife’s honor? When she has a tough day on the election campaign or in the Oval Office, […]

6 responses so far

Oct 31 2007

Political Extremism Slip, Slip, Slipping Away

Maybe it is because we see where endless extremism takes people when we look at the atrocities in Iraq, and maybe we see the zero sum game of political extremism taken to absurd levels in the vacuous results from Comgress, and maybe it is just because we are all tired of the Chicken Little cries […]

10 responses so far

Oct 30 2007

Pelosi’s Mad House

Speaker Pelosi has two slots for herself in the history books. First as the first woman Speaker of the US House of Representatives, and one as the biggest failure as Speaker of the US House of Represetatives: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s own party is turning on her, apparently because of a perception among California Democrats […]

4 responses so far

Oct 30 2007

A Congress Most Vile

When the GOP led Congress faced the abyss of voter displeasure last year, I was not so sure the Democrats would be able to show much improvement. To be honest I did not think voter frustration was as high as it was, but the voters had other intentions and set about for change in Congress. […]

4 responses so far

Oct 30 2007

Tancredo Tanks

I am not sad to see firebrand Tom Tancredo take his bow from politics. He was one of those far right GOP types who made be glad to claim I am an independent. His story is a telltale for how badly the GOP has handled the immigration issue by towing the line of its most […]

13 responses so far

Oct 28 2007

Paranoid Delusions Are Not “Emotional Appeal”

The Democrats (and their far left fevered swamps) cannot understand why they are not succeeding with the American public. Well there are a lot of reasons (see the post below) but one is hysterical paranoia is not “emotional appeal”: Democrats are losing the battle for voters’ hearts because the party’s message lacks emotional appeal, according […]

2 responses so far

Oct 22 2007

The Daschle Effect, How To Lose Your Majority Leader

The Democrats have a serious problem, half their base supports policies that are repulsive to Americans in general. The far left socialists, uber-liberal wing is stuck in the fantasy world of the early 1900’s and are all for repeating the disasters of the Soviet Union and those policies still dogging Europe (socialized medicine). One of […]

4 responses so far

Oct 18 2007

Who Will Defect More – Dem or Rep Women On Hill?

A Clinton pollster is predicting 25% of Rep women will defect to support Hillary. Not sure what he is smoking (or selling snake oil to) but I doubt that many Rep women will lose the moral compasses and vote on pure gender similarities. Just can’t visualize them to think so non-sensically. It is not a […]

23 responses so far

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