Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Sep 28 2007

Far-Right Paranoia Leads To Silliness

Boy, as if the far right has not done enough to alienate America over illegal aliens, now they are taking on the icons of Science Fiction: Jonah, as for your discovery of your distaste for Star Trek: The Next Generation, let’s face it, the show was a conservative’s nightmare unless, maybe, you’re Ron Paul. Oh […]

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Sep 28 2007

America Is Done With Bushton and Clintush

Why will Hillary lose if she is the democratic nominee for President in 2008? The answer is so obvious most people miss it: orty percent of Americans have never lived when there wasn’t a Bush or a Clinton in the White House. Anyone got a problem with that? With Hillary Rodham Clinton hoping to tack […]

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Sep 28 2007

Follow The Money To Understand America’s Choices

Americans invest in winners. This is a solid fact in politics. The money flows to those America want to win and dries up for those people do not want to win. With this fact of life in mind the GOP is in serious trouble: Using data for Aug. 31 in the election cycle’s off-year as […]

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Sep 21 2007

GOP Hemorrhaging Bush Supporters To Dems

What happens when some far right hot heads go off half cocked against the leader of their party and call him a traitor, or give him names like El Presidente Jorge Bush? The moderate middle, which determines who wins elections, dumps the GOP as too unstable and untrustworthy to be an ally: Dozens of corporate […]

10 responses so far

Sep 21 2007

Dems Losing As Badly As al-Qaeda

What destroyed al-Qaeda in Iraq was their blind ruthlessness and willingness to do anything for power. In al-Qaeda case that is a very brutal and bloody distance they are willing to go. But in the end it did not matter how far they were willing to go (the passion of a martyr knows few bounds, […]

7 responses so far

Sep 21 2007

In The Pocket Of Special Interests, Say Forget America

Want to know how powerful is with Democrats? MoveOn provides the life blood – money – of any political campaign. And it has tons of money (thanks to loop hole in election laws) from a few fringe liberals (Soros to name one) which means it can throw out opposition ads with wild abandon. This […]

8 responses so far

Sep 20 2007

More On GOP And Immigration

I just wanted to add some more thoughts to the post I started below on how the GOP will still lose Congress no matter how bad the Democrats perform because of their over-the-top stance (from a vocal minority) on immigration. For those of us who have allied with the conservative coalition since Reagan’s glorious two […]

19 responses so far

Sep 19 2007

11% Approval For Congress

Geez, Congress has just about pissed off the entire country in less than a year. There must be multiple records in here somewhere. If I were the Dems I would not be cocky but try to go back the “humble servant of the people” thing. With only 11% support (less than half of Bush’s support […]

4 responses so far

Sep 18 2007

Richard Cohen Rightfully Blasts Hillary And Her Lack Of Spine

Hillary Clinton has a hard road to navigate to the Presidency. Number one she is a woman, and while that should not be a big deal, in this polarized political nation where Presidents win by a few percentage points, each handicap is in play. She also has the baggage of her husbands failed Presidency. But […]

2 responses so far

Sep 14 2007

Congress Has Much Less Support Than President Bush

Does a really unpopular Congress make headway by opposing a really unpopular President? Apparently not, at least not the way the Democrat Congress is going about it. In the latest AP-IPSOS poll Congress’ approval is a paultry 26% for, 71% against. That is worst than the Republican Congress this time last year as it limped […]

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