Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Sep 13 2007

Time For Another War-Hero President?

General George Washington, our 1st President and military hero of America’s War of Independence. General Ulysses S Grant, war hero from the civil war and the 18th President. President Eisenhower, 34th President and General of the Allied Forces in World War II. Other Presidents known for their military experience above all else were Teddy Roosevelt, […]

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Sep 12 2007

Support For Bush On Iraq Is Starting To Climb

Look out Democrats – your worst nightmares are about to come true. If Iraq continues to improve (which I think it will) Americans will see Bush vindicated and rally around him in his last days in office. A shift in the public’s attitude is starting to move towards Bush: Approval of President George W. Bush’s […]

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Sep 12 2007

Obama: “I Tell You We Can Still Lose Iraq If We Try Harder”

The Democrats are fools to think America wants to lose Iraq to Bin Laden’s thugs. We have a bunch of junior league candidates on the Democrat side who have so little experience it is stunning (Edwards and Obama are one term Senators and Clinton is a 1.5 termer). But why are the all fighting to […]

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Sep 12 2007

Israel Targets Syrian Nuke Complex, Britain Moves Troops To Iranian Border

Things are popping, as expected when Congress puts on a Circus and all the side show acts want a shot a the media’s coverage of the clowns. It seems Israel detected some nuclear installations being built up in Syria (thanks to North Korea) and took them out: The official added that recent Israeli reconnaissance flights […]

19 responses so far

Sep 12 2007

Craig Gets His Day In Court

Innocent until PROVEN guilty – not harrassed into plea of guilt. It seems we might get a true legal test of Senator Craig’s encounter with the mind reading young police officer in Minneapolis, now that Craig has been given a court date on his request to repeal his guilty plea. I have no idea which […]

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Sep 10 2007

Craig To Try And Clear His Name

Everyone makes mistakes. Senator Craig’s mistakes was not on par with President Clinton’s mistakes (he was getting blow jobs in the Oval Office while talking to military leaders about risking American lives in combat – then lying under oath about it all), or those of our New Senator from LA who received a standing ovation […]

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Sep 10 2007

America Has Lost Hope With DC Politicians

I could have told the Democrats that the only result they would gain from bashing Bush was to shave some points off his poll numbers and tank their own. I could have told the GOP far right the only firm result they would get for bashing Bush was to do the same thing. In fact […]

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Sep 08 2007

Hagel Reads The Writing On The Wall

Last April I predicted Hagel would bow out of politics because he was getting creamed by his likely primary challenger after months of being more democrat than GOP: Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning (R) took another step toward a 2008 U.S. Senate candidacy Monday, issuing a poll showing him beating Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) 47-38 […]

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Sep 05 2007

Craig Stands And Fights

Senator Craig is leaving open the option that he may not resign: In a surprise twist, Sen. Larry E. Craig (R-Idaho) has left open, albeit slightly, the possibility that he will not resign from the Senate if he succeeds in his fight to clear his name of allegations that he solicited sex in a Minnesota […]

17 responses so far

Sep 05 2007

Congress Is Just As Unpopular As Bush Regarding Iraq

Congress is in deep trouble when it comes to Iraq, clearly, national defense. While the latest Harris Poll has bad news for Bush – who is all-in in terms of attempting to succeed in Iraq – the news is just as bad for Congress. And they must face the voters in 2008: President George W. […]

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