Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Aug 03 2007

No Confidence In Congress On Iraq

It what could be a resounding blow to Democrat (a.k.a. Surrendercrat) hopes in 2008 the American public is pretty much unanimoulsy fed up with Congress when it comes to Iraq: Just 24% give the president favorable ratings of his performance in handling the war in Iraq, but confidence in Congress is significantly worse – only […]

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Aug 02 2007

Democrat Congresswoman Walks Out Of Hearings On News Of American Successes In Iraq, Tancredo Plans To Nuke ME Ally

Want to know how bad the Surrendercrats, er… Democrats, are taking the news that the new US strategy is working in Iraq? Check this out. As military officers were sharing the news that the US was making clear progress in Iraq – not to mention that Iraqis who once harbored al-Qaeda had taken oaths on […]

5 responses so far

Jul 23 2007

GOP Reputation With Voters In Tatters

While Congress is less popular than the President in all recent surveys, the truth is the GOP is getting the worse end of the deal, even though Dems control Congress. A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows the damage the GOP has done to itself: a. the Republicans in Congress Approve: 34 Disapprove: 64 [Difference: […]

16 responses so far

Jul 18 2007

Bush Polls Rising While Congress Sees Stunning Drops

Not a big surprise. Congress forgets that Americans love their Presidents and their support goes up the closer they get to ‘retirement’ as thanks for putting up with all of us. So we have two polls showing Bush with growing support and one showing Congress tanking. Rassmussen has Bush at nearly 40% support (39%), while […]

12 responses so far

Jul 16 2007

Democrat Congressman Compares Our President To Hitler

Is the Democrat party allied with al-Qaeda’s Islamo Fascists? What would one say if the only Muslim in Congress compared our President, during a time of war, to Hitler? Freshman Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN), the only Muslim in U.S. Congress, has set off a firestorm of controversy after comparing President Bush to Adolf Hitler, and […]

30 responses so far

Jul 10 2007

Congress Less Popular Than Bush

It is interesting to see how the nation views our leadership, and the damage done on Bush by his immigration push. First we see that while Bush is not very popular, he has greater support than Congress. First Bush: Bush’s approval rating has reached a new low: 29%. Interestingly, that support is coming from the […]

9 responses so far

Jul 08 2007

America Has GOP Fatigue

I tell you what, the nation is so tired of listening to the whining from the far right I have to admit it is probably best the GOP go into a time out for a while – at least the far right. They throw temper tantrums, sling insults to any and all who think differently, […]

16 responses so far

Jul 07 2007

Classic Biased Poll

The ARG poll out that claims nearly half the country wants to impeach Bush and over half wants to impeach Cheney is as bogus as they come. It must be a push poll with the some weasely wording, after a list of potential ‘crimes’, along the lines of ‘given these claims would you consider impeachment’ […]

10 responses so far

Jul 03 2007

Poll: Congress A Failure, Yet Dems Preferred

Any doubts the GOP is tanking when, in historically low poll numbers for Congress, Dems still hold a double digit lead in preference over the Reps? Just 16% of American voters now say that Congress is doing a Good (14%) or an Excellent (2%) job. That’s down from 19% in mid-June and from 26% at […]

16 responses so far

Jul 02 2007

US-NATO To Go Hunting In Pakistan?

The world is waking up to the fact George Bush as very little time left in office and if the US pulls back from the war on terror, as the Surrendercrats would like us to do, many countries face a terrible backlash and instability if they allow Islamo Fascist forces to remain inside their territories. […]

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