Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Jul 01 2007

GOP Still Destroying Itself

The Immigration debacle is not over. The purity wars are in full bloom as the Amnesty Hypochondriacs move to make sure they will never come close to seeing real reform. In fact, some fools are calling for Sen Martinez to be defeated or recalled (which will, of course, leave Florida with TWO Democrat Senators). That […]

63 responses so far

Jun 29 2007

GOP As Popular As Amnesty Bill

Updates Below Think America wants the GOP shoved down their throats any more than the immigration bill? Apprently it is a worthwhile question now that they are as popular as the immigration bill: FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. June 26-27, 2007. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3. LV = likely voters. Except where noted, results […]

190 responses so far

Jun 29 2007

Witch Hunting Democrats, Impotent Republicans

Our nation is being led by a lousy bunch of power hungry idiots. Somehow America has allowed our meddling news media to make running for office so arduous the best among us are not participating, leaving us with hypochondriacs and obsesive-compulsives. The DC swamp (and the surrounding news media) are in full summer stench. The […]

23 responses so far

Jun 28 2007

Guess We Need To Dump Some More Hypochondriacs!

I was in meetings all day, but I suspected the vote would not make it based on some early morning indications. I will be looking at the votes but it would seem more far left and far right folks moved to leave us in the same mess we have had for 20+ years. Well, there […]

169 responses so far

Jun 21 2007

Liberalism’s Dying Gasp

In a laughable attempt to salvage a dying political movement liberals are trying to make it the law of the land for America to stop turning its back on them and force us to listen to their tired and failed policy views. In the free market of ideas they have realized their last hope is

29 responses so far

Jun 20 2007

Texas Is With Bush On Immigration

It seems one of the states with one of the largest immigration problems backs Bush when it comes to immigration reform: Despite their ideological differences, most Texans believe the country’s immigration system is in disarray and favor the proposed overhaul being debated in Washington, according to results of a new poll released Tuesday. A consortium […]

26 responses so far

Jun 20 2007

Bloomberg Goes Back To Being A Liberal

NY City Mayor Bloomberg is clearly a political charlatan. He puts on whatever mask suits his career goals. First he was a Democrat, then a Republican and now apparently an Independent. But through it all he has been a liberal: ew York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg quit the Republican Party on Tuesday, fueling speculation […]

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Jun 13 2007

GOP Taking On Damage

The Immigration Debate (well, it is hard to call the nonsense surrounding this issue a debate) has taken its tolll on the Republicans – as I predicted. The far right is in full snit as they blame Bush for basically not agreeing with them. They are abondoning him – but apparently they only make up […]

3 responses so far

Jun 13 2007

Poor Newt, He’s So Bold!

Newt is out there touting some interesting political snake oil. Don’t get me wrong, I admire the man immensely. If not for the the 1994 congressional sweep America would be a far darker place – thanks to failed liberal policies he helped sunset. But he has also missed the boat. It happens to all of […]

10 responses so far

Jun 13 2007

Reid Admits Dems Lied To Their Base

It is amazing to watch reality slowly wake up those lost in mindless obsession. We can see it happening now on the left with the Democrats tanking in approval ratings as their base, as predicted, discover their impotence and find their dreams will not be coming true. Harry Reid has responded to this situation by […]

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