Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Jun 12 2007

Waste Of Time And Money – GOP Style

I can see why America is turning on the GOP because it is just another pork-pumping, DC spending mess that produces failures. Duncan Hunter, who until now I saw as a refreshing new face in the GOP, turns out to be another DC pol backing failed pork just as he backs failed immigration policies. If […]

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Jun 12 2007

The Race To The Bottom Continues

The two major political parties seem to be in a mindless race to the bottom. Between the Democrat’s disasterous obsession to surrender Iraq to al-Qaeda and the GOP’s inability to provide a comprehensive, common sense step forward on illegal immigration we have the two parties mired in high disapproval ratings, the likes of which I […]

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Jun 11 2007

No Confidence In Washington DC, Or In The Two Parties

Americans are getting fed up with the pointless bickering in DC. They are leaving both parties in droves and they are getting ready for a house (and Senate) cleaning in 2008. Why? Because of things like this: Some Republican senators are bristling over the Democrat’s tactics over the expected no-confidence vote Monday on U.S. Attorney […]

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Jun 09 2007

Hispanics Will Help Democrats Over GOP

With the immigration hypochondriacs spew how un-American it is to provide a path to legal status here for illegal workers, by paying fines and back taxes and staying away from crime, they have sent a signal to the Hispanic population – both immigrant and recent citizens. A signal that is unmistakable because the rhetoric from […]

24 responses so far

Jun 08 2007

Edwards Terrorism Plan: Send In Unarmed Targets

Former Sen John Edwards has become more than a bit weird lately. He makes Al Gore look sane at times. Edward’s plan for terrorism is to pull back our military and send in un-armed volunteers to stem the tide of terrorism: Senator Edwards is outlining a new national security strategy that hinges on the creation […]

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Jun 08 2007

Now What?

Well, President Bush is now a lame duck because the far right abandoned him and the conservative coalition. And the democrats run the Congress and are issueuing subpoenas. Bush can do no more now than veto legislation and give Iraq more time to turn around. The Dems will go on a spree to smear the […]

10 responses so far

Jun 07 2007

Why Ditch A Straw Poll?

Guiliani and McCain are skipping the Ames Iowa Straw Poll (big deal – this is only for political junkies) and some are asking what this means. The future of the Ames Republican straw poll was cast into doubt Wednesday after first Rudy Giuliani and then John McCain decided to skip the high-profile summer warm-up to […]

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Jun 06 2007

The End Of The Conservative Run

It looks like the Immigration Hypochondriacs might just make permanent the current amnesty program of useless laws and inflexible idealogues which has allowed the current situation to be created in the first place. Most people do not understand the stakes. Those that do, don’t care. If the Immigration Bill fails to pass, that will end […]

43 responses so far

Jun 04 2007

Race To The Bottom

Dems have used up all their political capitol and now have approval ratings in the tank with the rest of the DC Cuckoo’s Nest: The Democrats in Congress have lost much of the leadership edge they carried out of the 2006 midterm election, with the lack of progress in Iraq being the leading cause. Their […]

48 responses so far

May 30 2007

Hillary The Socialist

You know what the problem with the Democrats is? They assume only government will do good and, if left on our own, people will hurt and undermine each other. History, of course, proves otherwise. As long as people are independent and do not hand over their life decisions to some bureacrat playing god (which bureacrats […]

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