Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

May 29 2007

Gingrich The Grinch

Gingrich is a class A bufoon. His idea to gain personal fame and glory is to destroy a man who many conservatives respect and admire: Newt Gingrich is one of those who fear that Republican have been branded with the label of incompetence. He says that the Bush Administration has become a Republica version of […]

18 responses so far

May 24 2007

What Is Edwards Thinking?

John Edwards has really stuck his foot in his mouth with his speech that terrorism is not all that bad and we need to get over it. 9-11 was THE WORST single attack on this country in its history. In a matter of hours 3,000 good souls lost their lives. Edwards goes as far as […]

10 responses so far

May 21 2007

Political Suicide Left And Right

I am among a small number of small blogs who have voiced a lot of disgust with the hard right and their responses to issues of the day. Immigration is the most recent debacle where the answer from the hard right is to demean those who find their arguments wanting. So from wanting arguments we […]

37 responses so far

May 15 2007

Dems Sink Below Bush

As I predicted previously the Democrats are sinking in the polls because of their mindless and stubborn desire to surrendering Iraq to Al Qaeda. According to the May 10-13, 2007, Gallup Poll, 29% of Americans approve and 64% disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job. Congressional approval is down 4 percentage points since […]

25 responses so far

May 11 2007

What John Edwards Learned About The Poor

John Edwards’ goofy claim he went to a hedge fund to “learn about the poor” shows why America did right in electing George Bush in 2004. The idea is so dumb I am not sure which is worse: (1) whether Edwards thinks we are all this dumb (no comment on his devout followers) or (2) […]

6 responses so far

May 08 2007

Is Liberalism Dying Off?

As an addendum to my post below on Michael Barone’s analysis of the decay of the Democrat enclaves in America we must add this piece by E.J. Dionne (who I never read anymore) on the electorial pounding the left is taking world-wide: Is Europe moving right? Is the democratic left in trouble? The decisive victory […]

10 responses so far

May 08 2007

Surrendercrats’ Crass Opportunism

I propose a gag rule on the Democrats I know they will not like, but any decent American should require. The idea comes from Rep Senator Jim Bunning: Americans on the front lines of a war and political poll numbers do not ever belong in the same sentence. Too true. Watching the Dems salivate at […]

2 responses so far

May 08 2007

The Democrat Decay In America

The Democrats think they have been rejuvinated with their take over of Congress – and they have to a small extent. But historic trends are never straight lines and there is a huge nostalgia surrounding the party of FDR and JFK – one which keeps arising every now and then with hope the next FDR […]

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Apr 26 2007

Guiliani Has Poll Position

When a Republican polls well ahead of the Top Dem in FL, OH and PA you know he is the best choice and the prohibitive favorite (OK, the term means nothing this far out) to win.

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Apr 26 2007

Obama: I Would Surrender To Al Qaeda!

Sen “Boy” Obama once more demonstrated his bush-league campaign tactics: “We are one signature away from ending the Iraq War.” I bet Hitler wishes (from the grave thankfully) Obama and his Surrendercrats were in power in the 1940’s! Clearly Obama, if President, would have surrendered. What better tag line for the 2008 elections than “if […]

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