Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Mar 30 2007

Gonzales Ain’t Leaving

The Bush administration, showing more spine and resolve and foresight than all the conservatives who called for a sacrificial lamb to appease the Democrat Congressional and media witchhunters, is standing firm with Gonzales. As they should. Let the Dems waste what little political capitol and America’s patience they have left on this matter. Nothing shows […]

16 responses so far

Mar 29 2007

Democrat Defeatism On Display

The Dems truly are ignorant of the American mindset. They honestly believe “failure is an option” is now the core sense of America. Thankfully the country knows they are wrong. Sadly for their party the country knows they are wrong. The die are set and now fate is in charge. Unless Iraq becomes a disaster, […]

4 responses so far

Mar 26 2007

Hagel’s Idiocy

Word is Chuck Hagel claimed Bush needs to surrender Iraq to al Qaeda or face impeachment. Hagel is a fool with delusions of granduer. He might as well switch parties now, he has gone as low as he can in the GOP. The man is the kind of whimpering appeaser Bin Laden bet was the […]

15 responses so far

Mar 22 2007

Democrats Rerun Iraq War Disaster

The Democrats keep wasting time and what little patience the American people have left with their BDS actions trying to craft a law which makes them President. It ain’t going to happen. Take the latest fiasco (outlined here). It calls for benchmarks, etc and Congressional review of these marks. If progress is not made it […]

5 responses so far

Mar 21 2007

Dems Imploding On Iraq War Vote

The Democrat House “Leadership” has lost control of its members as the Democrats splinter over a bill that, at its essence, fully funds the Iraq war. The far left liberals are fed up with platitudes and excuses and I seriously doubt they plan to support any more facade votes on Bills that do exactly opposite […]

4 responses so far

Mar 19 2007

Any Republican Who Caves On Gonzales Is A Lost Cause

I have had it with spineless Reps. I knew my distance from the Republicans was the right choice when they started to bend on harvesting humans for overblown and unproven medical promises. But now they have gone from eating their young to eating those who make them look sort of bad in the media. Which […]

31 responses so far

Mar 16 2007

GOP’s Useless Civil War

The Republicans seem hell bent on killing each other off. I have never seen so many violations of Reagan’s 11th commandment, but one story in the RCP top reading for the day shows an disgusting amount of internal attacks and uncalled for denigrating. Take this example of Libertarian snobbery (and I am not calling all […]

14 responses so far

Mar 15 2007

Reps Will Lose In ’08 If Gonzales Is Ousted

The Reps better start showing some unity and support if they have a prayer of winning back Congress in 2008. For all those weak-kneed types ready to shove Gonzales under the bus let me remind you all that this will be an example of what conservatives can expect when the going gets tough and the […]

24 responses so far

Mar 15 2007

Anti-War Hopes Crushed By Hillary-Bush

This NY Times article, where Hillary Clinton claims US troops would remain in Iraq if she were President, has got the nutroots beside themselves. There are some trying to point out the fact this is not news, that in fact all Dem proposals included troops in Iraq fighting al Qaeda. But making the case all […]

11 responses so far

Mar 14 2007

Democrats Enter The Briar Patch

The Senate just voted 89-9 to go ahead and debate the Democrats’ Iraq Surrender Plan now that the surge is not only showing amazing results, but is actually saving US and Iraqi lives. Want to be the 9 nay votes were Democrats trying to avoid the coming disaster? The Dems are now in the political […]

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