Archive for the '2008 Elections' Category

Feb 13 2007

Whiney Feminists Drifting Into History

Feminists are so out of vogue it is pathetic. Just look at the Edwards campaign and the firing, hiring, resigning of one of the ‘more popular’ feminists bloggers to get an indication of what is wrong with the now defunct movement. Personally, I had never heard of these folks and when I read some of […]

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Feb 08 2007

Edwardian Idiocy

I fail to understand John Edward’s desires to hold onto two liberal bloggers when in fact emotionally immature liberal writers are a dime a dozen in the blogosphere. To win the Presidency in this highly religious country (I am one of those minority exceptions which doesn’t associate with any religion, but I am deeply spiritual) […]

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Feb 07 2007

Republican Disasters

Somebody tell me the difference between a liberal, power hungry nag and a republican power hungry nag: Parents beware: Miss a meeting with your child’s teacher and it could cost you a $500 fine and a criminal record. ADVERTISEMENT A Republican state lawmaker from Baytown has filed a bill that would charge parents of public […]

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Feb 05 2007

Ried Whines He Cannot Restrict Senate Debate

Harry Reid came out on TV tonight and made a total fool of himself. He whined that the GOP ‘stifled debate’ because they wanted to present their views on Iraq to the Senate for a vote. Reid only wants liberal free speech, but he has no power to make it happen. As Mort Kondracke noted […]

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Feb 05 2007

Knee Jerk Socialists

The Democrats clearly cannot abide success, because their knee jerk reaction to success is to take it away from those who succeeded. First we have Hillary’s lame call to take the profits from one company and give them to her ‘associates’ in businesses she approves of, which she refers to as ‘renewable energy’. Her idea […]

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Feb 02 2007

Hillary The Communist

Hillary wants “to take oil profits” and give them to other companies …. I mean invest in alternative energy sources. Goodbye Hillary (and the dems). One thing America does not believe in is state confiscation of private property. When would it stop? Would Hillary and her Communist friends take profits from McDonalds to fight obesity? […]

36 responses so far

Jan 29 2007

Clinton Blunders Badly

Hillary Clinton blundered badly today, and the BDS obsessed press blindly announced to the world the blunder, in an naive expectation that Clinton was ‘speaking truth to power’ no doubt. HILLARY CLINTON, at the beginning of her campaign for the presidency, has called on George Bush to get US forces out of Iraq by the […]

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Jan 21 2007

From The Duh! Files

The news media is all atwitter today that Hillary wants to be President. Well – Duh! Why did she pretend to be a NY resident so she could sit in a Senate seat for so many years and do what again? Think Hillary could stand up to Bin Laden? Think Hillary could keep her notorious […]

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Jan 17 2007

Silly Democrats

I am definitely in one of my “are there any sane politicians left in the world” moods today. But of course with so many people say so many incredibly silly things it is hard not to be. All the 2008 Presidential contenders seem to be on the ‘who can say the dumbest thing” tour this […]

13 responses so far

Jan 17 2007

Note To Republicans: You Can Stay In The Minority

I have a message to Republicans who want to punish people who are trying to make a living and simple do not have the forms to do so. Like the lack of any other license, the penalties for not supplying paperwork usually are fines and probation. Illegal workers are not felons (note to Reps, you […]

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