Archive for the '2010 Elections' Category

Jun 10 2009

Deeds vs. McDonnell In VA

Published by under 2010 Elections

VA Democrats, in a incredibly low turnout primary, have selected a moderate/conservative Democrat candidate to run for Governor of VA this fall: Well that wasn’t close at all, was it? After a grueling but mostly civil campaign, Creigh Deeds pummelled Terry McAuliffe and Brian Moran for Virginia’s Democratic gubernatorial nomination yesterday, triggering a fascinating general election race and a […]

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Jun 08 2009

Rats Jumping From A Sinking Ship?

Published by under 2010 Elections

This is very strange news indeed from the deep blue (democrat) state of New York: Republicans appear to have retaken control of New York’s Senate after two dissident Democrats jumped the aisle. The flip of senators Pedro Espada Jr. of the Bronx and Hiram Monserrate of Queens gives Republicans a 32-30 edge in the chamber. […]

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Jun 06 2009

Obama’s Change: A Recession Much Worse Than The Carter Years

As if the situation could not look any bleaker on the economic and job front than what I posted yesterday, a found disturbing chart on a left leaning blog site, amid a lot of concern the job situation is going to be a real political albatross for Obama and the Dems. Here’s the chart comparing […]

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Jun 05 2009

Where Is That Job Creating Stimulus We Were Promised?

Update: Make sure to check out Ed Morrissey’s take on the news today and that great graph at Hot Air showing the stimulus plan failed to live up to its promises. Here’s the graph!   Major Update: Here is a little reported report on the economy from the CBO from March of this year which […]

16 responses so far

May 31 2009

GOP Self Destructing Over Sotomayor

Published by under 2010 Elections

It is as I feared, the ‘true conservatives’ have no self control, no class and no business trying to lead a reborn conservative movement to oppose Obama. It is beyond their meager skills. Their over the top, childish rhetoric is the problem – they cannot form a serious thought or debate point. It is become […]

14 responses so far

May 24 2009

Oh Please, Tell Me The GOP Didn’t!

One cannot help but question the maturity level of the GOP some days, especially days like this. In what has to be one of the most immature moves I have seen, some Spike TV fan club member-  doubling as a political PR expert – has tried to liken Nancy Pelosi to James Bond’s Pussy Galore: […]

6 responses so far

May 21 2009

Far Right Repulsed Center In Purity Wars – Self Destructed GOP

I noted many times that the  purity wars which erupted after 2004 election when the far right ‘true conservatives’ went insane (and decided insulting moderates at high volume would win their lousy arguments) that the only result of the purity war would be a smaller, impotent GOP. Pew Research has the graph which proves I […]

38 responses so far

May 12 2009

Crist For Senate – Test Of The New GOP

We finally have a test case for the resurrection of a center right GOP in the Florida senate race for 2010: The expected announcement Tuesday by Florida Gov. Charlie Crist that he’s running for the Senate would seem to be a rare bit of good news for beleaguered Republicans.  But while Crist is a brand-name recruit with sky-high approval […]

23 responses so far

May 05 2009

Two Moderates Vie For PA Senate Seat

I know the fringes left and right don’t like me to remind them of how irrelevant they are rapidly becoming, but the big news out of PA is a left of center moderate (Specter) may go head to head with a right of center moderate (Ridge) for Senator Specter’s seat. The battle for the centrists begins […]

40 responses so far

May 04 2009

True Conservative Toomey Truly In Trouble

Well, this is no surprise: A Quinnipiac University poll found Specter would defeat a conservative Republican who is in the race, Pat Toomey, if the election were held today by 53 percent to 33 percent. But the picture was much closer if a popular former governor of Pennsylvania, Republican Tom Ridge, were to jump into […]

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