Archive for the '2010 Elections' Category

Apr 30 2009

GOP Moves Towards Centrists To Regain Viability

It has been a long 4+ years since the purity wars erupted in the one time conservative coalition, destroying alliances and sending centrists (who are not ‘moderate’, just not extreme) out the door to the Democrat candidates. The end result: 51 house GOP seats and 13 GOP senate seats lost since the 2002-2004 election cycles […]

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Apr 21 2009

Published by under 2010 Elections

Lot’s of folks recall that CNN reporter who went all drama queen on the TV when covering the tea parties. A reader (EL Rider) who was there updates us on what happened: I was in the crowd shown in the Roesgen CNN video at the Chicago Tea Party, I was photographing the event. The crowd […]

7 responses so far

Apr 15 2009

Perry Goes Overboard On Texas Seceding

I was with Texas Governor Perry (R) to a point on states demanding the Fed get back into their constitutionally limited box. I have been an opponent of the ever intruding, social engineering experiments from DC for decades. I really liked the federalism tones in what Perry was doing – then he jumped the shark: […]

18 responses so far

Apr 11 2009

Far Right Jumps The Shark – Updated

Update: If the Tea Party movement is being lost to the far right we will have lost a real opportunity to challenge the liberals. Key statment: If this is any indication of who’s trying to run the show, count me out. It’s hard enough being a conservative without this kind of baggage. Make sure to follow […]

17 responses so far

Apr 07 2009

Will The Right Learn Their Lesson? – Updated

Published by under 2010 Elections

Update: I have always been a conservative independent. I came close under President Bush to finally joining a party again (was a democrat growing up). But the far right and their backstabbing of Bush reminded me of their backstabbing of Reagan – which reminded me too much of the far left ,which caused me to […]

30 responses so far

Apr 02 2009

Far Right Wants To Go Deeper Into The Political Wilderness

This is too funny: “If the Republicans can’t break out of being the right wing party of big government, then I think you would see a third party movement in 2012,” Gingrich said Tuesday. The speech, to a group of students at the College of the Ozarks in Missouri, was recorded by Springfield TV station […]

17 responses so far

Apr 02 2009

Dodd First Democrat To Fall?

Dominos – a really interesting hobby/sport. In those massive domino drops you never know where they will fall next (the designers do, but not those watching). Are we at a tipping point with the idiots in DC? Could be given how Senator Dodd (D-CT) is being politically crippled over the economic crisis and the failed […]

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