Archive for the 'Iraq' Category

Apr 22 2008

Its Sucks To Be Sadr

The news for Mookie is getting worse and he is making some dumb moves which will only hasten his downfall. First off Gateway Pundit has the news Sadr has been disowned by his family. Clearly he doesn’t have the Sadr family on his side anymore after his actions. Alseyed Josef Alsadar a member of the […]

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Apr 22 2008

Iraqis Turning In Mahdi Army Fighters

Seems Sadr’s Mahdi Army may not have a lot of support in the Iraqi population after all: IA soldiers discovered a weapons cache in 2 vehicles during Op Charge of the Knights in the Al-Quibla district of Basra, April 19. Acting on a tip from an Iraqi citizen, the IA soldiers found ordnance in the […]

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Apr 22 2008

al-Qaeda Cries For Help In Iraq

Two stories that definitely go together. First is a story on the pounding al-Qaeda has taken in Iraq as they are being hunted down and pushed out by Iraqis and the US: Between mid-March and mid-April, al Qaeda suffered major losses in Iraq. American and Iraqi troops killed or captured 53 al Qaeda leaders. These […]

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Apr 21 2008

UAVs Earning Their Keep In Sadr City Battles, al-Qaeda Still Taking A Beating

The Mahdi Army and al-Qaeda are unable to fight the modern weapons systems the US can bring to bear – even in the urban warfare required in the slums of Sadr City in Baghdad. Check out how our robots in the sky can detect, track and destroy Sadr’s goons with precision:     At 3:30 […]

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Apr 21 2008

Mahdi Army Targets Iraqi Shiite Leaders?

If Sadr does have control of his Mahdi Army then he is in deep trouble in Iraq because Mhis forces have targeted and attacked a major Shiite center – basically completing his path from opposition leader to traitor and enemy of Iraq: A missile struck the central Baghdad headquarters of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council […]

33 responses so far

Apr 21 2008

Sadr Balks Again – Not Sure When He Will Decide On Open War

Muqtada al-Sadr has to be losing it, since all his threats are empty ones which are followed by embarrassing caveats and waffling. He threatened a million man march in Najaf, then cancelled it when it was clear he did not have the following to fill the streets. And this weekend he threatened “open” war (as […]

13 responses so far

Apr 20 2008

SurrenderMedia Scrapes To Find Defeat Against Mahdi Army

I posted recently on how the Mahdi Army is being whooped across Iraq, from Baghdad to Basra and posts in between (see here and here). Karl over at Protein Wisdom has caught the LA Times grasping for some news of US-Iraq defeat in all this victory, but having to admit to all the victory anyway: […]

88 responses so far

Apr 19 2008

Did Sadr Loses Control Of Mahdi Army, Who Sue For Peace As Sadr Threatens War?

The implosion of Moqtada al-Sadr is all the more interesting given how much the SurrenderMedia in the West invested in his supposed ability to derail progress in Iraq. With al-Qaeda on the run and the other militias now integrated into the Iraqi security forces Sadr’s Mahdi Army was the last challenge to stabilizing Iraq for […]

11 responses so far

Apr 19 2008

Sadr’s End Game – Or More Likely His End – As He Becomes Iraq’s Benedict Arnold During Their March To Independence

Updates below – Sadr loses Basra Anti-American and basic nutjob Moqtada al-Sadr has decided to defy the Grand Ayatollah Sistani of Iraq and not follow the rule of law. He is going to the end – his end – as he threatens all out civil war: Shi’ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr on Saturday threatened an “open […]

9 responses so far

Apr 18 2008

Zawahiri Claims Iraq Is A Failure

Mimicking the statements of the Surrendercrats here in the US AQ’s co-leader Ayman Zawahiri says Iraq has been a failure: Al Qaeda’s No. 2 man claimed in a new audiotape released on a militant Web site early Friday that that five years of U.S. occupation of Iraq brought only “failure and defeat,” which the Bush […]

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