Archive for the 'Iraq' Category

Apr 18 2008

AQ On Run In Iraq And Heading To Pakistan For Their Destruction

Liberals seem to be as bad with history as they are with math. Many claim we have let Afghanistan and Pakistan go wanting as we diverted our energies in Iraq. The truth is AQ designated Iraq their key battleground and shifted their resources and fighters there – where they have been decimated and cling to […]

45 responses so far

Apr 18 2008

al-Qaeda Leader Supports Democrat Views On Iraq

It is not a good sign when the enemies of America are saying the same thing as Presidential candidates. It means the two see common cause. So what to make of Ayman Zawahiri’s claims the US has failed in Iraq: Al Qaeda’s second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahri said in an audio message to mark five years since […]

16 responses so far

Apr 18 2008

End Game On With Sadr Should Bring Sadr’s End

I was collecting articles on a post showing the end game coming in Iraq for Sadr and his Mahdi Army but Bill Roggio beat me to the punch today in a much better post than I was going to put together. Update

13 responses so far

Apr 18 2008

Watch For An Election Year Signal From Radical Islamists To Force A Surrendercrat World Disaster

After almost 7 years of war in the heart of Islam, since the attacks of 9-11 on America, America is now in the process of choosing its next President. Because the choices are stark and offer huge headaches or huge opportunities to the terrorists, the Islamo Fascists will want to send a clear signal to […]

15 responses so far

Apr 17 2008

All al-Qaeda Has Left Is Muslim Bloodshed And Hope Liberals Will Surrender

It really has become grossly pathetic that the liberals in the West have aligned their political fortunes with Bin Laden’s Islamo Fascist thugs – but the choice was theirs to make. al-Qaeda is not able to defeat the US-Iraq alliance any more. They acknowledge that in their communiques, and it is a sign of how […]

22 responses so far

Apr 17 2008

Maliki’s Government Reinvigorated After Taking On Sadr’s Mahdi Army

As with all declarations of defeat in Iraq coming from the SurrenderMeida, the results of Maliki’s efforts to take on (and take out) the Mahdi Army thugs working for Sadr (and apparently Iran) has reaped huge benefits for Iraq. Some of the news the SurrenderMedia is afraid to highlight is still out there as the […]

21 responses so far

Apr 17 2008

Democrats Demonstrate Why Neither Can Be Commander-In-Chief

I could only stomach a few minutes of the Democrat debate (and only had time to watch the last half, but declined to do so), so take this commentary for what it’s worth. I want to commend the questioning by ABC – it was tough for the two rounds of questions I watched. The questions […]

16 responses so far

Apr 16 2008

Obama Hero Of Persian Islamists?

Boy, last thing you need as a President candidate is support from Persian Islamists. Persia, of course, is now Iran. Checkout Gateway Pundit and AntiMullah for the devastating story and pictures. Maybe it is all just an ingenious Hillary black-ops media ploy on Obama?

13 responses so far

Apr 16 2008

Mahdi Army Getting Pounded, SurrenderMedia Exaggerates Minor Set Back

I will start with the Stupid SurrenderMedia trick of the week as they take a minor setback with a small group of Iraqi troops and try and extrapolate it into a representation of the entire Iraq war. The so called debacle is about one small group of Iraqi troops who acted like liberal democrats and […]

75 responses so far

Apr 15 2008

Jimmuh Goes On Surrender Tour Of Mideast To Remind America Why Not To Vote Dem This Year

Man, is Jimmy Carter really a GOP Mole working undercover all these decades? His one term debacle as President launched much of the Islamo Fascist terrorist movement we see today. But his policies brought us Ronald Reagan and the conservative movement for two decades (minus a small nostalgic dalliance with the Dems from 1992-1994 and […]

60 responses so far

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