Archive for the 'Iraq' Category

Apr 09 2008

On 5th Anniversary Of Fall Of Baghdad Iraqis Find Blood From Sadr’s Violence

Today is the 5th anniversary of the fall of Baghdad to freedom. And what are Iraqis waking up to? The blood, chaos and death from Sadr’s violent militia’s: The fifth anniversary of the U.S. push into Baghdad is seeing yet more violence. At least 14 people, including a number of children, are dead in two […]

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Apr 09 2008

Apparently It Was Not Bush In Iraq For The Oil, It Was The Dems

More dumb politician tricks – now the Dems want to raid Iraq for their oil, something they always claimed was why Bush and Cheney got into Iraq: Democrats plan to push legislation this spring that would force the Iraqi government to spend its own surplus in oil revenues to rebuild the country, sparing U.S. dollars. […]

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Apr 09 2008

Sadr Threatens To End Ceasefire?

As I pointed out in a previous post the attacks from Sadr City on the Green Zone in Baghdad had been building for weeks as Sadr and his Iranian puppet masters created a bloody media event for the Surrendercrats and Surrendermedia for talking points. This vicious cycle of blood for media has been going on […]

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Apr 08 2008

Surrendercrats’ Denial Of Progress In Iraq Is Truly Infantile

How can any serious adult look at the shrinking footprint of al-Qaeda in Iraq and claim there is no progress there since The Surge and The Awakening swept Iraq and turned al-Qaeda from being Islam’s future in Iraq to al-Qaeda being an enemy of Islam in Iraq? (H/T Michael Goldfarb and the originals up at […]

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Apr 08 2008

Repulsive Display By Surrendercrats In Congress

Well, it looks like the Surrendercrats in Congress have decided to be manipulated by the agents of evil in the Middle East again. It really is a repulsive spectacle to see our leaders carrying the water for fanatic Islamist extremists. They are simply puppets be choreographed by with the help of the SurrenderMedia. Here is […]

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Apr 08 2008

Is Liberal Media Playing Sadr’s Dupes Again?

OK, who wants to believe at face value a Sadr spokesman’s claim that the Shiite clerics, including Grand Ayatollah Sistani (who is on the record opposing militias), have told Sadr to keep his militias and continue the bloodshed of the Shiites in Iraq? Well, CNN did: raq’s top Shiite religious leaders have told anti-American cleric […]

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Apr 08 2008

Sadr Fails In Creating Uprising, Cancels Protests, Completely Boxed In

Moqtada Sadr woke up this morning to a nightmare. He had once planned to take over Iraq (possibly for his Iranian masters) and dreamed of a million man march in Shia dominated cities. He was going to lead masses of supporters to throw out the American and establish a islamic dictatorship. At least that’s my […]

42 responses so far

Apr 07 2008

Maliki Sets The SurrenderMedia Straight

The liberal SurrenderMedia have been misinforming this nation about what is going on in Iraq. In a rare moment of candor CNN allowed Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki to burst all their fantasies and misinformation regarding what has been happening with the Militias and Iran over the past couple of weeks. It was a royal drubbing […]

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Apr 07 2008

Sadr Will Surrender – Dems And SurrenderMedia Screw Up Again

Major Update: It seems the UK news media, which is not as vested in a US defeat in Iraq as our American SurrenderMedia, has reported on the pending victory for Maliki against Sadr: From The Times April 7, 2008 Iraq: Al-Mahdi army offers to lay down its arms Iraq’s largest and most dangerous militia, the […]

48 responses so far

Apr 07 2008

Dems Face Tough Week Facing Realities In Iraq

General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker will be top of the news this week as they come before Congress to tell of the sea change in Iraq since last year at this time when the Dems tried every trick they could think of to stop the Surge and Awakening from purging much of Iraq […]

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