Archive for the 'Bin Laden/GWOT' Category

Oct 03 2009

President Obama: “My Image Is More Important Than Iranian Nukes”

The President seems to have seriously ruffled some EU feathers at the UN (which probably has a lot to do with Chicago’s lackluster run at the Olympics) by pushing his personal image over that of the interests of the international community: The President is believed to have angered the European leaders by insisting on delaying […]

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Sep 30 2009

How Dumb Is This Administration?

People in the Obama administration notified news outlets that are spies inside the al Qaeda network were helping us target al Qaeda leaders with drones.. In what appears to be an effort to show progress on the war on terror, the Obama administration has just told al Qaeda what methods are working for us – which […]

22 responses so far

Sep 30 2009

Iran And That Bogus 2007 National Intelligence Estimate

In 2008, a suspicious National Intelligence Estimate was leaked to the news media, apparently to influence the 2008 presidential elections. An NIE is the consensus view on the threats to this nation, at times on a specific topic like Iran or Iraq or al Qaeda. In 2007 the NIE was a crass act of misinformation. […]

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Sep 26 2009

Axis Of Evil: Bush Right, Obama Wrong

Iran did something fairly important this week, in the grand scheme of things. Iran proved that President Bush and his “Axis of Evil” comment was accurate, and that President/Senator Obama (and all his liberal allies with blinders on) with his Pollyannish “Iran is not a threat” was wrong. Deadly wrong. Is anyone going to believe – […]

9 responses so far

Sep 24 2009

Najibullah Zazi Indicted On WMD Charges

It turns out my fears about the potential danger of a new al Qaeda cell in the USA and a planned coordinated bombing attack, which I outlined in depth here, was not so far fetched after all. Zazi has been indicted on charges of attempting to carry out a WMD attack here in the US: […]

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Sep 22 2009

When Do We Use Water Boarding On Najibullah Zazi?

Major Update 8:15 AM, 9/23/09: Damn, I was hoping I might not be right on the multiple, independent cell strategy I outlines below, and why it will take time to actually stop all the attackers. But some news out today confirms my fears: The investigation indicated that three distinct teams of men may have been […]

20 responses so far

Sep 21 2009

NYPD & FBI Blow Critical Informant?

I get the sinking feeling that the New York Imam who was arrested in the al Qaeda terrorist cell case involving the Zazi family in Colorado is the victim of law enforcement ineptitude. The main reason for this the FBI side of the story keeps shifting, and it seems they are nitpicking details no person […]

8 responses so far

Sep 20 2009

Will President Obama Invoke Enhanced Interrogation Techniques

I produced a long and involved post this morning in the terror suspects arrested in New York and Colorado, and pondered how the administration could be considering investigating the defenders of this nation as a terrorist plot unfolds here at home.  Seems politically stupid to me. But now we learn the arrests may not have […]

7 responses so far

Sep 20 2009

Major Terrorist Attack Foiled (AG Holder Better Stop His Witch Hunt)

Major Update – At the end of this post (way down below!) I noted how weak the charges are against these alleged terrorists  – basically low level perjury. I wondered what else was known, and now that the media is finally getting on this story, we learn the possible targets are disturbing, at least: Several reports […]

15 responses so far

Sep 18 2009

Taking Down al Qaeda One Thug At A Time

Contrary to the liberal hand wringing in DC, there are a lot of indications we will finally destroy al Qaeda and the Taliban hold in Northern Pakistan and Southern Afghanistan – basically the lawless areas neither country has ever had control of. Indications are the human aid we are applying to the region to educate […]

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