Archive for the 'Bin Laden/GWOT' Category

Jun 06 2009

Crushing al Qaeda’s Last Large Sanctuary

The years of determination and diligence in the war against terror may be paying off soon. The Obama administration is beefing up forces in Afghanistan and tightening the border with Pakistan’s tribal areas where al Qaeda has its last large sanctuary. In addition, the Pakistan Army is pushing northward and westward, clearing the NWFP’s Swat […]

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Jun 03 2009

People Suffering From Obama Derangement Syndrome Need To Take A Chill Pill

Published by under Bin Laden/GWOT,Iran

Two bits of news came out recently regarding Obama and the Middle East challenges which have the conservatives suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome in full self destruct mode. The first was Obama’s statement that Iran should be allowed access to nuclear energy for peaceful purposes: President Barack Obama suggested that Iran may have some right to nuclear […]

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Jun 02 2009

America Speaks: Leave GITMO As Is, Keep Terrorists Outside Our Borders

Published by under Bin Laden/GWOT

Doesn’t get any more clear than this: Americans are overwhelmingly opposed to closing the detention center for suspected terrorists at Guantanamo Bay and moving some of the detainees to prisons on U.S. soil, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds. By more than 2-1, those surveyed say Guantanamo shouldn’t be closed. By more than 3-1, they oppose […]

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May 28 2009

Pakistan Surge In Progress

Published by under Bin Laden/GWOT,Pakistan

One of the sings that indicated to me, very early on in Iraq, that The Surge in Anbar Province was going to work as it expanded across Iraq was the fact that the Islamo Fascist terrorists were targeting the Muslim Main Street – thereby creating the backlash that turned al Qaeda from the future of […]

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May 25 2009

Axis Of Evil Tests Obama Administration

Published by under Iran

And so we finally come to it. President Obama is facing severe national security tests this Memorial Day Weekend. First is a nuclear armed North Korea: There have been expressions of international outrage after North Korea said it had successfully carried out an underground nuclear test. After seismologists confirmed it had the power of a […]

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May 25 2009

Pakistan Moves On Terrorist Camps And Enclaves In Pakistan

Published by under Bin Laden/GWOT,Pakistan

It is good to see the Obama administration pushing Pakistan to root out the terrorists from their last major sanctuaries in northern Pakistan. This area represents a major threat to peace and security in the west. It is the birthplace of al Qaeda and not far from where the 9-11 attacks (and others – since […]

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May 21 2009

Cheney Vs Obama

Update: Can’t get a You Tube version to work – here is a copy at Fox Here are Cheney’s comments today:

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May 21 2009

Why We Needed FISA Reform After 9-11

Some interesting news came out today regarding a home grown terrorist plot to kill hundreds of innocent people: Four New York men were arrested Wednesday in connection with an alleged plot to blow up area Jewish centers and military targets. The plot, however, was foiled by undercover agents.           Raids by the FBI-NYPD Joint Terrorist Task […]

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May 17 2009

A Surge Building In Pakistan Tribal Areas, First Attacks Begun

Updates Below This year the US and Pakistan are definitely going to make a major push against al Qaeda and the Taliban. I have been wondering why al Qaeda had been slowly moving people from its sanctuary in Pakistan to Somalia (a dangerous migration since movement can be detected). It seems a new effort to […]

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May 13 2009

Ayman Zawahiri Within Our Sights?

Missed this blockbuster news: Ayman al-Zawahiri, al Qaeda’s No. 2 leader, the most wanted terrorist after Osama bin Laden, with a $25 million bounty on his head, is holed up near Quetta, Pakistan, according to a highly placed Pakistani intelligence source. … Al-Zawahiri’s recent movements can be tracked with some specificity. He was positively identified […]

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