Archive for the 'Bin Laden/GWOT' Category

May 10 2009

Pelosi’s Lies On Extreme Interrogation Getting Extremely Lame

Nancy Pelosi is not stupid. She is the Speaker of the House of Representatives, fourth in line to lead this nation. But lately, she either wants America to think she is a few shades away from the Hollywood classical dumb blonde, or she thinks Americans are too slow to figure out she knew and condoned […]

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Apr 11 2009

Obama Administration Standing Strong Against al Qaeda In Iraq

While the far right melts down before our eyes, I am glad to see the Obama administration redoubling their efforts to bring total and final victory to Iraq. This is not a time for politically myopic hopes that President Obama to fail America and her fallen heroes.  There is simply too much at stake: April […]

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Apr 07 2009

A Good Day In Iraq For President Obama

President Obama has always had the opportunity to really shine. Our country gives a lot of deference to the person sitting as Command-in-Chief (rightfully so). I am really glad to see two things on Drudge today and want to memorialize them as a good day for President Obama. The first is this heart warming picture […]

11 responses so far

Apr 01 2009

al Qaeda Threat On DC Answered With Predator Strike

Published by under Bin Laden/GWOT,Pakistan

Update: More details can be found here: Missiles believed to have been fired from a US drone struck a remote compound linked to Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud today – the day after he threatened to attack Washington and took responsibility for the assault on a police training camp in Pakistan. Neither Mr Mehsud or one […]

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Mar 28 2009

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Of The Obama Administration

Update: Even WaPo determines Obama’s decision to win Afghanistan is a gutsy continuation of the Bush policies. – end update President Obama has demonstrated two things in his first few months. First (and worst), he has demonstrated how truly inexperienced and unprepared he and his team truly were. But second (and most unexpected), President Obama […]

20 responses so far

Mar 03 2009

Interesting Developments In Pakistan

The news last week, which had me a bit disturbed initially, was that Taliban forces in the Tribal Areas of Pakistan had set aside their differences and joined forces: Three rival Pakistani Taliban groups have agreed to form a united front against international forces in Afghanistan in a move likely to intensify the insurgency just as thousands […]

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Feb 28 2009

President Obama Acknowledges President Bush’s Success In Iraq

  We have beaten al Qaeda and its allied Islamo Fascist forces in Iraq with the help of a newly liberated and democratic Iraqi People. I have said it many times, but it bears repeating. After 9-11 al Qaeda was the future of Islam, infamous for having delivered a massive blow against the Great Satan. […]

14 responses so far

Feb 17 2009

Can Biology Find Bin Laden?

  An interesting bit of news has come out on the hunt for Bin Laden. Some researchers at UCLA decided to apply some statistical models to the problem of determining where Bin Laden may be hiding out, and have concluded he may be hiding in one of three possible buildings in a large town near […]

4 responses so far

Feb 17 2009

Pakistan Surrenders To Taliban, Is The World Surrendering To Islamo Fascism?

The Brave New World of President Obama has some disturbing trends to it. The worst is the attempt to go back to a pre 9-11 delusional state that a violently oppressive form of religion can co-exist with modern, open, western societies. We humans spent the 1990’s pretending that blood lusting jihadis in Afghanistan and Pakistan […]

9 responses so far

Feb 17 2009

US Blows Israeli Covert Efforts

Someone in the US Intelligence Community (at times an oxymoron, to be sure) has decided to blow covert efforts by Israel – our supposed ally - by exposing them in the news media: Israel has launched a covert war against Iran as an alternative to direct military strikes against Tehran’s nuclear programme, US intelligence sources have […]

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