Archive for the 'Bin Laden/GWOT' Category

Jul 31 2008

Underground Railroad For Terrorists To Enter Europe?

I ran across this article which had my alarm bells ringing. It discusses illegal immigrants being smuggled into Turkey, where they were heading their way into the heart of Europe. The alarm bells sounded when I noticed where these immigrants hailed from. Take special note of the blind liberal/socialist bleeding heart headline: Voyage to hope […]

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Jul 31 2008

The Final Chapter For The War On Terror?

We have achieved a stunning victory in Iraq. al-Qaeda rushed reinforcements into that country to take out The Great Satan and establish their modern caliphate. Those Muslims who leaned towards the romantic vision of Jihad, as promoted by the Islamo Fascists, rushed to Iraq to share in the glory. Now they are dead and captured […]

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Jul 30 2008

Record Setting Month Of Security In Iraq

July 2008 is going to shatter all previous records for peace and security in Iraq if the standard statistics for violence in that country hold through tomorrow. As of today the previous record low levels for US and Allied troop deaths in Iraq has been 19 in May 2008 and 20 in February 2004. July […]

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Jul 30 2008

Pakistan Intelligence Riddled With Supporters Of Taliban and al-Qaeda, Purge May Be Coming

The tensions and fighting are still escalating in the tribal areas that span the Pakistan-Afghanistan border region. While US, NATO and Afghani troops have a good handle on the Afghan side of the problem area, the Pakistan tribal regions known as FATA and NWFP (click map below for larger image) are the last large sanctuary […]

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Jul 29 2008

Civil War Breaking Out Amongst Pak Taliban

The Pakistan Awakening may be beginning (and it may not ever happen). But one thing is clear in all military situations, a divided enemy is easier to defeat than a united one. So the news civil war is starting to break out amongst the Taliban forces in the Pak Tribal Areas is very good news: […]

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Jul 28 2008

US Taking Out Prime Enemy Targets In Pakistan – UPDATED & Got Him!

Update: BBC is reporting confirmation from the Taliban that a top AQ chemical weapon’s expert has been killed today in Pakistan by what is likely a US missile. Here is the man’s bio and picture at the US National Counter-Terrorism Center website:   Good job folks – scratch one more mass murderer. Update: AFP now […]

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Jul 28 2008

I Am Stunned – AP Announces US Victory In Iraq

I saw this over at Gateway Pundit and nearly fell off my chair. Again I will have to violate my ban on AP simply because this is just a stunning report (You may need to wait for it to load – seems to be a very popular video): “But it is beginning to look more […]

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Jul 28 2008

Terrorist Attempt To Invade Afghanistan, Are Decimated

Terrorists massing in the Tribal Areas of Pakistan have pledged Jihad against American and Allied forces in Afghanistan and elsewhere (including Pakistan). Personally I see this as completely suicidal on their part – especially after we see another example of the results: Khost’s governor said 50 to 70 fighters had been killed – Nato said […]

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Jul 28 2008

Sick Liberals

So, Obama schedules a PR drive by with our fallen soldiers, but when some learn this has to be a visit of support and not a media or campaign event Obama runs to the gym. As I noted below this is an unforgivable outrage (I posted on it here).  So what does a liberal fool […]

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Jul 27 2008

Victory In Iraq Is Here – Yet Obama And Surrendercrats Still Crave Defeat Against al-Qaeda

Senator Obama’s position on The Surge in Iraq is quite a stunning one. Even with victory at hand he stands by a failed plan for surrender and defeat to al-Qaeda. Even with the SurrenderMedia finally admitting Iraq is on the path to victory, Obama has decided he still thinks defeat at the hand of al-Qaeda […]

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