Archive for the 'Bin Laden/GWOT' Category

Jul 15 2008

Military Effort Underway Along Pakistan And Afghanistan Border

There have been tell tale signs that there will be a major effort to deal with the last major Islamo Fascist sanctuary in Pakistan’s Tribal region, which is where al-Qaeda and similar Jihad fighters have been massing since their defeat in Iraq. One sign was a recent visit to the region by a top level […]

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Jul 15 2008


Barack Obama is faltering big time. As I noted earlier today regarding his Op-Ed today on Iraq the man is bordering on the delusional. Actually, John Hindraker over at Powerline did a much better job of noting the out and out lies in Obama’s Op-Ed today – lies about Obama himself! But the same factors […]

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Jul 14 2008

Victory In Iraq

While others have been hesitant to call Iraq a victory up until recently, I felt the die was cast months ago (actually over a year ago). When the Sunni Muslims took the extraordinary step to wage war on al-Qaeda, and ally with the Iraq and US government efforts and forces, there seemed little chance of […]

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Jul 14 2008

Obama Grasps For Life Line On Iraq

Obama is looking as quite the lost soul. Based upon news reports Prime Minister Maliki would like to consider a timeline for the successful withdrawal of our forces from Iraq, now that Maliki believes victory is at hand, Obama is trying to claim is calls for surrendering Iraq to al-Qaeda now make sense. THE call […]

22 responses so far

Jul 13 2008

What Did Obama Do To Anger The New Yorker?

Boy, Obama must have done something to really get the people at the New Yorker angry. So angry they have a cover picture of Obama that is epitome of right wing whisper campaings: Obama as a turban-wearing Muslim, fist-pounding an terrorist-clad Michelle standing in the Oval Office? It seems we can now easily conclude The […]

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Jul 13 2008

Brainwashing Young Americans In Pakistan For A Career As Ticking Time Bombs

This story is really disturbing. It explains how American children are being sent to Pakistan to be brainwashed in “Taliban-backed madarsa”: A Pakistani filmmaker has launched a campaign to secure the release of 78 American teenagers from a Taliban-backed madarsa in the country and asked the US to step in to check students enrolment in […]

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Jul 13 2008

Insurgents Try To Stoke War Between Afghanistan And Pakistan

Updated! Bill Roggio has an updated report on a recent border incident (I believe it is this one) that clearly shows how the Taliban and al-Qaeda are trying to start a war between Afghanistan and Pakistan:

8 responses so far

Jul 11 2008

Scoping Out Targets In Pakistan’s Tribal Region

In an update to a post I did yesterday on what appears to be a ramping up of operations targeted at the Islamist extremists in the Pakistan Tribal region there are today reports of increased Predator and UAV operations in the area: Pilotless U.S. drones armed with missiles have stepped up patrols over Pashtun villages […]

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Jul 11 2008

Military Security Specialists Pan Obama’s Unconditional Surrender In Iraq

It is becoming quite clear Barrack Obama is going to have to admit defeat on his plans to surrender unconditionally in Iraq. The facts on the ground are pressuring him to get real on this matter, and cause another break with his already fed up base: Military personnel in Iraq are following the presidential race […]

10 responses so far

Jul 10 2008

Battle Brewing In Pakistan’s Tribal Areas

It seems both sides are gearing up for a Battle Royale in the lawless tribal regions of Pakistan which border Afghanistan and have been the launching pad for attacks into Afghanistan by the remnants of al-Qaeda and their Taliban cousins. First we see signs of al-Qaeda fighters fleeing Iraq and heading to the Pakistan tribal […]

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