Archive for the 'Bin Laden/GWOT' Category

Jul 09 2008

Terrorists In Iraq And Afghanistan Came Out Of America

Reader Snapple referred us to some truly fascinating information regarding terrorists we have captured in Iraq and elsewhere – they were drawn out of America to fight our forces overseas! In the 6 ½ years that the U.S. government has been fingerprinting insurgents, detainees and ordinary people in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Horn of Africa, […]

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Jul 08 2008

Taliban Infighting Shows Sign Of Pakistan Awakening And Problems For Islamo Fascists

In Iraq the turning point came when Sunni Muslims, fed up and repulsed by their people being massacred by the Islamo Fascists of al-Qaeda, literally turned on their one-time al-Qaeda allies and began to purge their country of this cancer. President Bush and General Petraeus intelligently took advantage of this sea change in allegiance and […]

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Jul 08 2008

Democrats Skulking Towards Utter Failure

The Democrat led Congress has fallen to historic lows in terms of support from the American people: The percentage of voters who give Congress good or excellent ratings has fallen to single digits for the first time in Rasmussen Reports tracking history. This month, just 9% say Congress is doing a good or excellent job. […]

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Jul 07 2008

Is Bin Laden Being Given Sanctuary By Pakistan On A Promise To Not Attack America? Is He On His Deathbed?

Why has the United States avoided a second attack against the homeland – even overseas assets like ships, embassies and military bases – for so long? The fact is many attacks have been thwarted prior to them being implemented, for example Richard Reid and his exploding shoes and the UK Airline plot where explosive disguised […]

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Jul 07 2008

Islamo Fascist Attempt To Reignite Global Violence, Destabilize Pakistan

Be clear on any victory we achieve in the Global War On Terror – it will never stop the suicide bombings. Not completely. Victory will make the bombing the exception, not the rule.  Look at Iraq where bombings are now rare, as opposed to the pre-Surge conditions where they were a daily affair. For other […]

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Jul 06 2008

al-Qaeda Surrenders In Libya

al-Qaeda has been defeated in Iraq and Lebanon. They failed to make a serious presence in Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. They and their Taliban cousins have been expunged from 75% of Afghanistan. al-Qaeda has been pushed into its final, small sanctuary inside the tribal areas of Pakistan where it is surrounded by 100,000 Pakistani […]

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Jul 06 2008

The End Of al-Qaeda In Iraq

Iraq did what we wanted it to do. When we invaded Iraq we did many things (removed a dictator who had ties to al-Qaeda and preposition arms in embassies across Europe to arm al-Qaeda sleeper cells for one), but one of the most important goals of the invasion was to divert al-Qaeda’s attention. Liberal Surrendercrats […]

18 responses so far

Jul 05 2008

We Are Ready To Finish The Job In Iraq With Victory

Look, there are two camps inside America when it comes to Iraq. Those who want to runaway in defeat as soon as possible and those who are working and succeeding to finish the job with victory. Those who want to cut and run are not in the military – they hand-wring from the sidelines, pretending […]

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Jul 04 2008

Obama’s Going To Hurt Himself With All These Flip Flops!

Well, we seem to have discovered the ‘true’ Barack Obama – he is your classic ‘say anything to win’ politician! During the primaries Barack Obama was the liberal candidate, he was far left’s candidate who would take their issues to Washington and make them relevant again! Here is some of what he said (or implied, […]

12 responses so far

Jul 02 2008

Water Boarding – Using Reflexive Responses To Instill Panic

Waterboarding is not ‘torture’ in my mind. Torture should define the inflicting of real injury. Thumbs screws, electrocution through car battery jumper cables, etc. Waterboarding actually taps into the body’s natural reflexive responses to drowning. Yes, it is horribly unnerving, as Christopher Hitchen’s just learned. No one likes to be helpless and controlled by others. […]

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