Archive for the 'Bin Laden/GWOT' Category

Jun 27 2008

Islamist Extremists Abandoning Bin Laden

Here some important news the US SurrenderMedia has been able to keep a lid on. How many people know that major Islamist extremist groups were abandoning Bin Laden and Jihad? Apparently more than we (in the West) know: It was the summer of 2000 and Benotman, then a leader of a group trying to overthrow […]

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Jun 27 2008

Senate Authorizes Continuation Of War On Terror

The Senate Dems just threw through their entire liberal, anti-war base under the bus (again – how many times do these people have to get run over before they get a clue?): The United States Senate has approved on Thursday supplementary financial support of $161.8 billion for procedures in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Senate’s 92-6 vote represented a success for President […]

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Jun 27 2008

Sadr Becomes Traitor, Iranian Agent, Against Iraq

Seems like Moqtada al-Sadr, the anti-American Iraqi Shiite cleric hiding in Iran, has decided to become Iraq’s version of Benedict Arnold: The Mehdi Army of Moqtada Sadr is evolving into a clandestine movement following Iraqi military operations targeting the group, intelligence suggests.The military wing of the Sadrist Movement, the political party loyal to Shiite cleric […]

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Jun 27 2008

Major Activities In Pakistan And Afghanistan

  I’m going to limit the excerpting here because the amount of information in all the news reports coming out, but it looks like the militants in the tribal areas of Pakistan have gone too far even for the new Pak government. These reports span events happening over the last week and show things coming […]

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Jun 25 2008

In 1999, Saddam Linked To Al Qaeda

One of our readers (Vince1974) reminded us of this January 1999 ABC News special on the ties between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda posted last year on Powerline. When a liberal claims there never was any evidence of a connection between Saddam and al-Qaeda (like coordinating attacks in 2002 with AQ number 2 Ayman Zawahiri) don’t […]

9 responses so far

Jun 22 2008

Now Showing Across The Nation: “The FISA Follies”

What is up with the Democrats? They have decided to go with complete lies to their base in light of the FISA legislation compromise Bush and the GOP just won in the House of Representatives (see my previous posts here on how great this was for conservatives). Are they so confident in their ability to […]

14 responses so far

Jun 21 2008

al-Qaeda’s Zawahiri And Saddam Hussein Were Planning Attacks After 9-11

The SurrenderMedia recently misreported (there’s a surprise) that Saddam Hussein had no ties to al-Qaeda, when in fact the report the SurrenderMedia was trying to cover said just the opposite. As I noted at the time the analysis showed Saddam Hussein had long time ties with Ayman Zawahiri, who at the time ran the Egyptian […]

22 responses so far

Jun 21 2008

Sweet Victory In Iraq Will Derail The ’08 Democrat Juggernaut

Which force in America is bigger, broader and more powerful: Victory or Defeat? We shall learn the answer in this year’s national elections. The Democrat Party has had a running dialogue with America for years now about how we are such losers for trying to change humanity’s trajectory, why we cannot destroy the building hate […]

9 responses so far

Jun 20 2008

Another Massive Taliban Defeat In Afghanistan

3 days ago the news media was breathlessly reporting that 600 Taliban had taken over some villages in Afghanistan and were threatening the government there. At the time I noted how ridiculous the odds were of the Taliban succeeding: Sorry if I am not impressed. Every time the Taliban seize real estate they are beaten […]

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Jun 20 2008

House Of Reps Funds Iraq War, No Strings Attached

The House of Representatives funded the legal war in Iraq (again) without any requirements for a timetable to pull out troops. All those who whine about Bush’s illegal war need to grow up and recognize that Congress authorized the action by huge margins, and has funded the action each year with no restrictions. Congress passes […]

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