Archive for the 'Bin Laden/GWOT' Category

May 27 2008

Is Bin Laden Within Our Sites? – Updated!

Major Update: It seems a key Taliban leader in Pakistan is claiming Bin Laden is dead: A top Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud has rejected reports that al-Qaeda leader, Osama Bin Laden, and other leaders are hiding in his region. “The al-Qaeda leader, Osama Bin Laden is dead, and the Afghan Taliban leader, Mullah Omar, are […]

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May 27 2008

The Demise Of Sadr, The Sadrists And The Mahdi Army

It is starting to become apparent, even to the liberal western media, that the Islamo Fascism that the religious extremists embraced across the Middle East is being rejected by the Muslim Street. Even those who still stand by the religious jackboot approach have been openly acknowledging their loss of support, as the true violent image […]

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May 25 2008

Moqtada Sadr Nothing More Than A Lousy Drug Dealer, Mahdi Army Made Up Of Heroin Addicts

The future of Islam has taken an interesting turn.  British intelligence activities in the Shiite southern half of Iraq, especially around Basra, learned that Moqtada al-Sadr’s Mahdi Army is actually made up of heroin addicts who were first hooked onto the drug and then paid from Iranian funds to kill westerners to support their habit. Iran […]

13 responses so far

May 23 2008

Democrat Congressman: We Lied To Anti-War Liberals (And America) To Win Congress

Published by under 2008 Elections,Iraq

Wow – a politician who seems to have to tell the truth has admitted that the Democrats lied to their anti-war base about stopping the war in Iraq: More specifically, Paul Kanjorski’s problem is that he was publicly honest about the intentionaldishonesty of Congressional Democrats (and Democrat candidates) in the run-up to the 2006 election […]

13 responses so far

May 23 2008

All Wars – Whether Victories, Defeats Or Draws – Leave Behind Troubles. We Can Declare Victory In Iraq

The last great war, World War II, was a victory for the West over the last rise of fascism.  At that time the Fascism rose on the shoulders of racism.   In the current war on terror the fascist rose on the shoulders of religious extremism.  But very few remember clearly what happens when wars […]

49 responses so far

May 22 2008

The Amazing Successes In Iraq Make News – Finally

Update:  The BBC (no less) is wondering if Bin Laden’s recent statements focusing on Palestine and ignoring Iraq mean al-Qaeda is admitting defeat in Iraq and moving on to try to make gains against democracy and the West elsewhere: The two latest messages believed to be from Osama Bin Laden emphasise the centrality of a […]

10 responses so far

May 22 2008

al-Qaeda Losing Support On Muslim Street, Terrorist Attacks Down 40% Since 2001

David Ignatius sat down with the folks at the National Counter Terrorism Center in Northern Virginia and learned something very interesting: Though the intelligence analysts remain focused on the danger posed by al-Qaeda, they are also pondering what might happen if recent trends continued and that organization lost more support in the Muslim world.  … […]

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May 22 2008

With Their Own Forces In Battle, Canada Decides To Deport American Deserters

Canada has significant forces in the war on terror in Afghanistan, fighting and dying to protect the West.  On 9-11 Canada hosted tens of thousands of marooned international airline passengers, who had to land outside the US as we sorted out what was happening on that fateful day.  Canada had a front row seat to […]

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May 21 2008

Cleansing Mosul Of al-Qaeda

al-Qaeda, like all Islamo Fascist groups, exist by the jackboot and violence.  In Iraq al-Qaeda’s last bastion in Mosul is being purged by Iraqi and US forces, and the effort is producing stunning results: Major-General Mark Hertling, the commander of U.S. forces in northern Iraq, said U.S. and Iraqi troops had inflicted serious damage on […]

14 responses so far

May 21 2008

Now Come The Horror Stories Of Mahdi Army Atrocities

There are some very naive and delusional liberals who still think the Iraq government victory over the Mahdi Army criminals is actually a victory for Sadr and his Sadrists movement.  But they are simply grasping at straws so they do not have to face how pathetically wrong they have been on the Maliki action itself, […]

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