Archive for the 'Bin Laden/GWOT' Category

May 11 2008

Cleric Moqtada al-Sadr Has No Control Over Mahdi Militias

Well, that did not take long. While Time magazine declared Sadr and his Sadrists victors in their efforts to surrender and sue for peace with the Maliki Government, I asked the core question about events in Iraq – who controls the Mahdi Army, Sadr or Iran? Well, if you go by the NY Times it […]

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May 11 2008

Propaganda Runs Rampant As Iran, Islamicists And The Liberal Western Media Find Common Cause

OK, call me dense. Call me Pollyannish. Call me an optimist. I have hedged for years in calling the liberal western news media allies of the enemies of freedom and democracy. I have hinted their actions would make one wonder, but I have also given them some leeway by acknowledging that in the heat of […]

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May 11 2008

We Will Soon Find Out Who Controls The Rogue Mahdi Army Fighters

It was good news that greeted the world yesterday (and for Iraq and America) that Sadr’s militant forces sued for surrender across Iraq. They are working a “cease fire” which basically calls for the disarming of the Mahdi Army (no medium or heavy weapons allowed in the hands of ‘civilians’). On a side note I […]

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May 10 2008

Mahdi Army Surrenders, Authorizes Iraq Government To Disarm Fighters

Well, it should be damn interesting to see how the liberal SurrenderMedia spins this news into claims that Iraq is turning into another Vietnam. It seems the Mahdi Army in Sadr City has surrendered – completely: Followers of rebel cleric Muqtada al Sadr agreed late Friday to allow Iraqi security forces to enter all of […]

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May 09 2008

Mooki Sadr Left High And Dry By Shiite Grand Ayatollah Sistani

Moqtada (“Mookie”) al-Sadr and his Iranian trained and armed Mahdi Militia had expected one thing would shield there efforts – and that was Shiite clerics rarely, if ever, break ranks publicly. Sadr expected the Shiites would rise up if he and his Mahdi thugs were ever attacked, expecting those attacks to come from Sunnis or […]

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May 09 2008

Hezbollah-Iran Attempt To Open A New Front To Distract The West

Iran is under serious pressure to dismantle its nuclear program by the world powers. It has been under political and economic pressure for years now as every effort has been made to use all non-military options to stop a suicidal martyrdom state from obtaining the most horrific Weapon of Mass Destruction man has created. Armed […]

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May 08 2008

Scratch Another Top al-Qaeda Leader! – Never Mind ….

Major Update: US says Masri not captured. – end update al-Qaeda’s forces in Iraq have been spending the last year, since President George Bush decided to implement General David Petraeus’ counter insurgency strategy that had by this time last year turned the Sunni Province of Anbar, the center of al-Qaeda’s operations in Iraq at the […]

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May 08 2008

Iraq Applies More Pressure On Sadr To Disband Militia

Yep, things are definitely coming to a between Sadr’s Iranian (i.e., Persian) backed Mahdi Militia and the Iraqi (i.e., Arab) Shiite led government of Iraq. Before the latest news on the pressure being brought to bear on Moqtada al-Sadr to end the stand-off peacefully, I want to reference coverage of a recent news show from […]

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May 08 2008

The End Is Near For The Mahdi In Sadr City

As I posted yesterday the Iraqi government is preparing for a final thrust into Sadr City to clear out Mahdi Militia thugs who have been hiding and using weapons amongst the people living there in order to attack the Iraqi government and US forces: raqi soldiers for the first time warned residents in the embattled […]

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May 07 2008

Iraqi Doubles Down Against Mahdi Militia

All indications are that Iraq is preparing for a final, two-pronged push against the Mahdi Militia in Iraq. The first prong is on the political front with legislation that will outlaw political organizations which support armed militias: Iraq’s parliament has begun debating a bill on provincial elections that will ban any party from competing in […]

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