Archive for the 'Bin Laden/GWOT' Category

May 06 2008

Mahdi Commander Admits Iranian Support

It had to happen sooner or later – the Mahdi Forces have started to openly admit they are getting support from Iran in their fight against the elected government of Iraq and the US forces supporting it: Abu Baqr, now a commander in the Mahdi Army militia of cleric Muqtada Sadr, blames Iran for what […]

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May 06 2008

War Protesters Cannot Manufacture Another Vietnam Style Defeat

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me! That is a saying the less than credible liberal left needs to ponder. After predicting certain failure in Iraq and a useless Surge the far left failed to manufacture a stinging defeat and retreat in Iraq. And once you fail to make good […]

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May 05 2008

Iranian Insanity: Stop Killing Those Killers We Trained, Armed And Sent After You, And We’ll Talk

The Iranians are clearly fools if they think their latest ravings are going to impress anyone: State Department deputy spokesman Tom Casey was reacting to Iran’s announcement it will not hold a fourth round of security talks with the United States as long as US forces continue attacking Shiite militias in Baghdad. “It’s meaningless to […]

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May 05 2008

The End Of The War In Iraq Could Be Nearer Than Many Think

Michael Yon correctly points out that each time we have faced down the enemy we have seen a spike in casualties followed by a massive drop off in overall violence and casualties as we dispatch our enemies: April saw 49 U.S. casualties in Iraq, the highest total in seven months. Does this mean, as some […]

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May 05 2008

Evidence Of Iranian Involvement In Iraq Mounts And Is Expansive

The evidence of Iran’s military involvement in Iraq is growing rapidly as US and Iraqi forces take out the Mahdi Militia fighters. This evidence is bringing the situation between Iran and the US to a head, because the US cannot allow any nation to target its troops without responding with swift and deadly action. Otherwise […]

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May 04 2008

Last Efforts To Stop A Military Confrontation Between US And Iran

As the Iraqis and US have been purging southern Iraq of Shiite Cleric Moqtdata al-Sadr’s Mahdi Army forces more and more evidence on the role Iran has played in training and arming (and possibly leading) the Mahdi has brought the US and Iran to heads like never before. That is because Sadr and his Mahdi […]

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May 03 2008

Using Evidence Of Proxy War Iraq Calls Iran’s Bluff

Here were I think things stand behind the diplomacy scenes between Iran, Iraq and the US. It has become clear from the Iraqi crackdown on the militant Mahdi Army, led somewhat by anti-American, anti-democracy Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, that Iran has been also a key force behind the Mahdi Army in terms of weapons, training […]

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May 02 2008

Whose Credibility Is Shot In The World From The War On Terror?

After nearly 7 years of war since 9-11 it is worth sitting back and seeing whose credibility is shot after all the give and take over the years. I want to start by pointing to an article that Ed Morrissey discussed today to highlight this topic. Ed Morrissey notes that ‘credence’ (street ‘cred) for the […]

26 responses so far

May 01 2008

About Those Casualty Statistics From Iraq

April was a tough month for US forces in Iraq. While the death toll is at incredibly low historic levels for conflicts like this, the fact is military action is being taken against the last large Islamo Fascist threat in Iraq – the Mahdi Army. Armed and trained by Iran and working for a crazy […]

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Apr 30 2008

Updates On The War On Terror 04_30_08

With the Jeremiah Wright flack running heavy I did not post any news stories of interest from the war on terror – so today’s update has a lot of articles. I am going to start with a very unique article from UPI which discusses new calm in Sadr City – which we all know has […]

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