Archive for the 'Bin Laden/GWOT' Category

Apr 15 2008

al Qaeda Begs Sunnis To Come Back

al-Qaeda must be on its last legs. Those same enemies of true Islam which Osama Bin Laden himself just recently claimed were fair targets in Iraq are now being sought after. Bin Laden’s latest public statements on the killing of Iraqi Muslims was quite clear – they were traitors and deserved to die: This deadly […]

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Apr 14 2008

Memo To Terrorists: We Are Sending Spies To Watch You! Signed, Lord Monty Python

Sometimes you just have to wonder at the cluelessness of some organizations. This is especially common when the organizations involved are government entities trying to protect their nation and the news media seemingly oblivious to how ridiculous they are being. Case in point: why would any government agency let the news media publicly tell terrorist […]

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Apr 14 2008

Updates On The War On Terror 04_14_08

Some interesting news on the war front in Pakistan and Afghanistan. One piece that caught my eye was an LA Times article that claims this is the year to finally get Bin Laden. It notes the drop in support for al-Qaeda and their ilk in Pakistan and Afghanistan as the key change that could expose […]

29 responses so far

Apr 13 2008

Iraq Winning War In Mahdi Army

The concocted myth by the SurrenderMedia that the Iraqi crackdown on the Shiia Mahdi Army, headed by Moqtada al-Sadr, was a failure has now been exposed. And far from being a failure this could be the Iraq wars version of the Battle of The Bulge in WW II, where the last gasp of the dying […]

29 responses so far

Apr 11 2008

Sadr Told To Disarm By Shiite VP

I love cruising the terrorist supporting sites when they put up pure propaganda and think it is going to convince anyone with two brain cells to rub together (and that probably excludes the SurrenderMedia which were duped on the Sadr-Mahdi Militia issue from day one). For example we have this pro-terrorist site saying Sadr simply […]

46 responses so far

Apr 11 2008

Is America A Nation Of Defeatists Or Ever Hopeful Fighters?

Margaret Carlson, die hard founding member of the liberal SurrenderMedia, is starting to wake up and see how the race for President will unfold, and why the dems have no chance of winning. She realizes that the race depends on your view of America, and your view of where you want to see it go: […]

27 responses so far

Apr 10 2008

Sistani Does Join Maliki And Isolates Sadr

Bumped to Top, More Updates Below!

60 responses so far

Apr 10 2008

Best Reason I’ve Seen For McCain As President And The GOP In Congress

One thing America is sick of is the use of the law to settle differences of opinion. And the cutthroat crap in DC has been debilitating to the functioning of our government and juvenile in its claims. And so when the wacky left remind us they have plans for payback for Clinton’s impeachment, they make […]

101 responses so far

Apr 09 2008

Iran Does Fund al-Qaeda In Iraq, According To Hamas In Iraq

Ed Morrissey notes over at Hot Air a very interesting interview with a Hamas In Iraq leader, who claims they have evidence of Iranian support to al-Qaeda and the Mahdi Army in Iraq: Salah Al-Din accused Al-Qaeda of being subservient to Iran, [claiming] that they had [extensive] evidence to that effect. He said: ‘We found […]

42 responses so far

Apr 09 2008

Scratch One More al-Qaeda Leader

Seems another major al-Qaeda leader is dead and on his way to meet Allah for his crimes against humanity: A U.S. official confirmed to FOX News Wednesday that Al Qaeda operative and bomb expert Abu Ubaida al-Masri is dead. Al-Masri was one of the top 10 Al Qaeda leaders and was responsible for the organization’s […]

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