Archive for the 'Bin Laden/GWOT' Category

Apr 07 2010

Obama Administration Confirms My Assessment On Their Deadly National Security Failures

Over the weekend I produced a timeline of reported events and on-the-record comments by key Obama administration officials charged with protecting this nation from terrorist attacks. In that post I noted how events and statements indicated that the Obama administration had naively and deliberately decided to take their eyes off a key terrorist link because […]

14 responses so far

Apr 05 2010

Obama Administration Confuses National Defense & Criminal Defense

President George W Bush understood the threat of terrorism, having experienced it up close during his first year in office and then throughout the rest of his two terms. He touched the raw horror, sadness and anger 0f  9-11 for weeks and months as he consoled family and friends of the dead, and consigned many […]

16 responses so far

Mar 15 2010

Hiding Holder’s True Intentions

One Obama cabinet member I think is in serious trouble, though he seems to be flying under the radar of the Health Care debate at the moment, is Attorney General Eric Holder. The fact he held back key amicus briefs from his Senate review is very disturbing, and just another sign the Obama administration is […]

5 responses so far

Mar 07 2010

Democracy Is Biggest Threat To Islamo Fascism

We see today in Iraq two major forces of humanity in bloody conflict. We see the power of self determination, peacefully going to the polls to vote for leaders and a path forward. And we see the power obsessed fascists, who want to warp civilization to their own egomaniacal views (with them conveniently sitting at […]

4 responses so far

Mar 07 2010

White House Liberals Fail To See The Big Problem – Them!

I have lived outside DC almost all of my soon to be 50 years, and I have seen each new administration come into town with dreams and expectations and then hit reality. Many make the transition, some just crash and burn. You can make change from DC, but you have to know the culture and […]

8 responses so far

Mar 06 2010

Lack Of Interrogation Produces Deadly Traitors Heading To America

Why is President Obama all of a sudden seeing the light in trying enemy combatants in military tribunals – with their extra layer of keeping national security information hidden? Well one reason may be the administration sees the need in the near future to keep certain information out of the public domain. Like all the opportunities […]

3 responses so far

Mar 05 2010

Is Obama Folding On Terrorist Trials?

It seems President Obama is about to overturn the idiotic decision made by lefty Attorney General Eric Holder on where to try the enemy combatant terrorists: President Obama’s advisers are nearing a recommendation that Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, be prosecuted in a military tribunal, administration officials said, […]

8 responses so far

Feb 23 2010

The Obama-Holder Failures On Domestic Terrorism Attacks

It is so pre 9/11 now. One of the tragedies that arose out of the NY Times’ erroneous reporting on the FISA-NSA changes made by President Bush in the after math of 3,000 people killed by terrorists on 9/11 was the idea we lost the trail of the soon-to-be mass murderers once they were in […]

2 responses so far

Feb 17 2010

NSA-FISA As It Applies To American Terrorists

Updates Below! One of the issues that has come to the forefront since the Christmas Day Bombing attempt, which barely failed to murder 300 people in the skies over Detroit, MI and untold numbers on the ground, is what has changed between the Bush administration’s hair trigger concerns over potential threats and the Obama administration’s […]

9 responses so far

Feb 15 2010

Proof Holder & Obama Endangered American Lives

The career intelligence workers who defend this nation are starting to expose the danger Attorney General Eric Holder and President Obama have put this nation in. We are in danger of attack because Holder and Obama allowed for Christmas Day Bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to be mirandized and ‘remain silent’ as his terrorist allies continued […]

18 responses so far

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