Archive for the 'Bin Laden/GWOT' Category

Mar 03 2008

5,000 Oklahoma City Sized Bombs Laying Around Canada

There are days where you just say “what the f… are they thinking!?” What most terrorists lack is the fire power to do damage in sufficiently large doses. It seems Canada is riddled with such fire power: Just before Arctic ice closed the shipping lane last October, a Russian freighter carrying enough ammonium nitrate fertilizer […]

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Mar 03 2008

A Great Analysis On The Surge And Awakening

Engram at Back Talk has some excellent analysis on the drop in violence in Iraq, noting two important points: where the bombing of the Gold mosque ignited the violence and how the Surge and Awakening movement have brought back a relative peace. Here are two of the charts contained in the analysis which is best […]

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Mar 03 2008

Pakistan’s Hopes For Peace Dashed By Terrorists – As Predicted

Well, that did not take long. I predicted on Feb 21st that the newly elected Pakistan government was going to get a wake up call and that they need to forget about vengeance on Musharraf and figure out how to protect the people of Pakistan who voted by large margins for peace. Some snippets of […]

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Mar 02 2008

Why Does The Media Always Protect Terrorists By Tipping Them Off To Surveillance?

What is it with the media and tipping off terrorists when they are under surveillance? Are the bonuses and fame so good you would tip wannabe be mass murderers off that they are being watched? I seriously doubt the money is THAT good – so what would cause a news outlet to broadcast to terrorists […]

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Mar 02 2008

All al-Qaeda Can Do Is Massacre Muslims

Violence in Iraq is down for US forces to the third lowest level ever. AT LEAST 29 US troops died in Iraq in February, the third-lowest monthly casualty toll for the US military since the American-British invasion in 2003. Troop fatalities declined from 40 in January, and from 81 in February 2007. Which means al-Qaeda […]

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Mar 02 2008

Things Are Heating Up In Pakistan

Seems that there is a serious clash of civilizations forming in Pakistan as the terrorists realize they may not be getting any reprieve from the new government. First off is news that we will be increasing our presence in Afghanistan to train the Pakis. (and on rare occasions attack al-Qaeda). The United States military is […]

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Mar 02 2008

Obama Is Losing It, And America

Updates Below! The problem phenoms such Obama is they come to believe they have super human powers and can change the world from its gritty, some times deadly, reality into a Sesame Street paradise where all is as simple as counting to twenty. The crowds start intoxicating their mind with the idea the mob-think is […]

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Feb 29 2008

Decline In Violence In Iraq Continues Apace

al-Qaeda has been attempting to salvage their losing effort in Iraq by increasing their body counts. They had some success in January in getting a slight up-tick in the US casualty number, as I noted in this post and as can be seen in the chart below from that post: As the graph notes the […]

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Feb 29 2008

US Hits al-Qaeda Enclave In Pakistan

US forces have taken another jab at the gathering al-Qaeda forces in the tribal areas of Pakistan – one of these times it will be Bin Laden, Zwahiri or Mullah Omar: A missile strike on a suspected Taliban safe house in a remote tribal area of northwest Pakistan killed at least 10 people early Thursday, […]

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Feb 29 2008

The Defeat of al-Qaeda In Iraq: Security And Freedom Over Brutality And Death

I truly enjoy reading of success in Iraq in the ‘pages’ of the NY Times. The NY Times is the epicenter of BDS and the SurrenderMedia’s defeatism on Iraq. So I savour the moments when they must actual perform real journalism and report how the Bin Laden’s butchers are being destroyed by the forces of […]

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