Archive for the 'Bin Laden/GWOT' Category

Dec 28 2009

Obama Just Destroyed Any Hope Of A Second Term

VP candidate Joe Biden once predicted President Obama would be tested on national security and would fail. Today is the day VP Biden predicted would come. Today President Obama came out to publicly address the nearly successful Christmas Day Massacre aboard a Northwest Airline flight into Detroit Michigan. It has only been one day since President […]

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Dec 28 2009

Back To The Naive 9/10/01 Mentality – America At Risk From Left Wing Denial

I think the American people have had a serious wake up call with the specter of a Christmas Day Massacre in the skies over Detroit. I, like countless other Americans, was flying with my entire family around this holiday season, and the idea that we could have all perished as a result of the incompetence […]

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Dec 28 2009

George W Bush Knew Our Enemies, Knew How To Go After Them

On the heels of the lamest public CYA statement in a century, where our incompetent Secretary of Homeland Security ran onto the Sunday political talk shows claiming the ‘system worked‘ after a known terrorist sympathizer just barely failed to kill over 200 people on a commercial airliner on Christmas Day, we are reminded of how […]

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Dec 27 2009

Homeland Security Secretary Pulls A (Neville) Chamberlain

Hat tip to reader Crosspatch for pointing out what has to be the dumbest statement by a national leader in a century. Not since Britain’s Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain came back from a meeting with Adolf Hitler to declare peace was at hand (when in actuality World War II was about to begin and kill […]

21 responses so far

Dec 27 2009

Northwest Airline Bomber Felt Personal Success Was Evil

Both political fringes (or should I say all political fringes) have their mindless zealots. Everyone who thinks in simple absolutes (or should I say those who refuse to grapple with the complexities of the modern real world) is on a slippery slope, where their beliefs must be defended to the ultimate end. I am not […]

12 responses so far

Dec 26 2009

Obama Administration Ignored Warning From Terrorist’s Own Father!

Incredible. First the Obama administration prematurely and stupidly closed down a terrorism investigation into US Army Major Nidal Hasan, who then went on to massacre 13 people plus one unborn infant while injuring 31 more Americans. Now we learn that the Obama administration was told about the terrorist threat of Abdul Mutallab from Nigeria by […]

18 responses so far

Dec 26 2009

Al Qaeda Tries To Strike Again – On Christmas

If you feel like our current government is distracted and obsessed with their own political agenda while they are ignoring their duty to the people of this country you are probably in good company. The DC liberals have screwed up just about everything since taking power in 2008, it seems to be no surprise they […]

6 responses so far

Dec 17 2009

Drone Hack In Iraq Not That Important

Hacking can be bad, but what happened in Iraq with the hacking of US drones is not nearly as threatening as the drama queens in the news make it out to be: Militants in Iraq have used $26 off-the-shelf software to intercept live video feeds from U.S. Predator drones, potentially providing them with information they […]

12 responses so far

Dec 04 2009

Oh How The (NY) Times Have Changed

The NY Times is the largest liberal rag in the US. The folks there like to think of themselves as balanced journalists, which is just like watching a wino claim they can hold their liquor. So it is not surprising to see them praise the current administration for continuing and expanding successful policies put in […]

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Dec 02 2009

Pure Conservatives Break From America

As I noted below, the President laid out to America a good case for the troop increases needed to try and break the back of the Taliban and al Qaeda. I also noted the idea of a ‘schedule’ in war is not realistic or smart- but all military plans have timelines. They have to in […]

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