Archive for the 'Pakistan' Category

May 27 2008

Is Bin Laden Within Our Sites? – Updated!

Major Update: It seems a key Taliban leader in Pakistan is claiming Bin Laden is dead: A top Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud has rejected reports that al-Qaeda leader, Osama Bin Laden, and other leaders are hiding in his region. “The al-Qaeda leader, Osama Bin Laden is dead, and the Afghan Taliban leader, Mullah Omar, are […]

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May 19 2008

Pakistan And US Are Purging Tribal Areas Of Militants

It may be that Pakistan is serious about cleansing the tribal areas of terrorists and militants.  At least that is what some recent reporting shows: Amid US concerns about talks between the new government and the rebels, the Pakistani military flew in reporters to show how it has sealed off the main access points to […]

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May 18 2008

Updates On The War In Afghanistan/Pakistan 05_19_08

Lot’s happening in Pakistan as the new government tries to clear out terrorist from the Tribal Areas between Pakistan and Afghanistan (see map).  In Waziristan the government is working a deal with the local Taliban leader, Baitullah Meshud, that is supposed to allow the tribes some autonomy, but all terrorists must be purged from the […]

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May 15 2008

US Takes Out al-Qaeda Group In Pakistan

With all eyes on the elections and how Iraq is doing with the Sadrists and Mahdi Army I totally missed the news that the US took out an al-Qaeda group in Pakistan: At least a dozen militants including foreign fighters were killed Wednesday in a suspected US missile strike on two houses in northwestern Pakistan, […]

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Apr 25 2008

Latest Taliban & al-Qaeda Efforts In War On Terror Fail Miserably

With al-Qaeda losing its last grip on Iraq – as it is being pushed out of that country by an alliance of Sunnis and Shia rising up against al-Qaeda, aided by US forces – the areas al-Qaeda can operate from in relative safely are shrinking fast. As I pointed out the other day the Taliban […]

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Apr 22 2008

Pakistan PM Refutes Blackmail By Terrorists In Tribal Areas

I posted yesterday on news that the Taliban/Tribes in Pakistan were demanding the right to ‘live in peace’ in the tribal areas of Pakistan as long as they could maintain their war on America and the West. Peace would be only with the Pak government. It was a ridiculous requirement which included a lot of […]

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Apr 21 2008

New Pakistani Government Getting Too Cozy With Terrorists Possibly Hiding AQ

This is the year we could decimate the Islamo Fascists who have retreated from the failed efforts in Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan to the one place where they can find sanctuary – the lawless tribal regions of Pakistan broken into the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (where most of the terrorist activities seem to be centered) […]

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Apr 20 2008

US Has Been Actively Hunting al-Qaeda In Pakistan

Americans need to be wary of two-faced pols – OK, that sound obvious and easy but it isn’t. Pols have become quite adept at telling lies that are hard to detect or can be ‘parsed’ to mean something totally opposite (it all depends on the what the meaning of ‘is’ is – of course). One […]

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Apr 18 2008

AQ On Run In Iraq And Heading To Pakistan For Their Destruction

Liberals seem to be as bad with history as they are with math. Many claim we have let Afghanistan and Pakistan go wanting as we diverted our energies in Iraq. The truth is AQ designated Iraq their key battleground and shifted their resources and fighters there – where they have been decimated and cling to […]

45 responses so far

Apr 17 2008

Pakistan Tribes Take On Islamo Fascists

Something is definitely still brewing or boiling in the lawless regions of Pakistan along the Afghan border. It seems fighting has broken out in the Khyber Agency of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) between Islamo Fascist militants and local tribes along a key transportation line between Afghanistan and Pakistan: At least 20 people were […]

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