Archive for the 'Pakistan' Category

Apr 16 2008

Pakistanis Take Out Infamous al-Qaeda Taliban Leader

Good news from the War on Terror as Pakistani forces killed an infamous al-Qaeda leader: A senior Taliban commander who became a hero to Islamic militants for his role in shooting down a U.S. helicopter in 2005, killing all 16 special forces troops aboard, has been killed by Pakistani security forces, officials and Taliban militants […]

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Apr 14 2008

Updates On The War On Terror 04_14_08

Some interesting news on the war front in Pakistan and Afghanistan. One piece that caught my eye was an LA Times article that claims this is the year to finally get Bin Laden. It notes the drop in support for al-Qaeda and their ilk in Pakistan and Afghanistan as the key change that could expose […]

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Apr 09 2008

Scratch One More al-Qaeda Leader

Seems another major al-Qaeda leader is dead and on his way to meet Allah for his crimes against humanity: A U.S. official confirmed to FOX News Wednesday that Al Qaeda operative and bomb expert Abu Ubaida al-Masri is dead. Al-Masri was one of the top 10 Al Qaeda leaders and was responsible for the organization’s […]

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Apr 05 2008

Updates On The War On Terror 04_05_08

Lots of news on the war on terror – good news actually. First off, when contemplating the Surrendercrats panic attacks over Iraq and their suicidal calls to retreat as fast as possible it is good to see what we are supposedly retreating from. At the moment the retreat would be in the face of scary […]

8 responses so far

Apr 04 2008

al-Qaeda Is On The Rocks – Losing Support.

Contrary to the ever-wrong SurrenderMedia (remember the quagmire in Afghanistan, and the failed invasion of Iraq when a sandstorm came through halting progress towards Baghdad for a few hours, or the failure of The Surge?) seems to be barking up the wrong tree again. The myth is al-Qaeda is regrouping and growing stronger in Pakistan. […]

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Apr 04 2008

Why Do European al-Qaeda Terrorists Travel Via Iran To Pakistan?

If Iran is not supporting al-Qaeda efforts why is it so many terrorists in Europe use Tehran as their transit point between Europe and the training facilities and gathering forces of al-Qaeda inside Pakistan? On April 1, the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) on April 1 notified leaders of Germany’s military, the United Nations and […]

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Apr 04 2008

Getting Inside al-Qaeda

As was noted in a previous post western intelligence has been able to get inside al-Qaeda cells and disrupt them. It marks a big difference between the post 9-11 and pre 9-11 worlds, one which is really hurting al-Qaeda. Before 9-11 al-Qaeda thrived due to our ignorant bliss and lack of attention to threats. Today, […]

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Apr 03 2008

Updates On The War On Terror 04_03_08

Contrary to the hand-wringing an impatience on the left, hard won progress is being made and once intractable problems are being worked, if one reads outside the blabber of the SurrenderMedia. For example, the problem of bringing security to the lawless regions of Pakistan are being discussed as Pakistan and the regional tribal leaders try […]

7 responses so far

Mar 31 2008

Tribes In Pakistan Ready To Purge Bin Laden And al-Qaeda From Their Midsts?

Here is some truly interesting news that is very much counter to much of the reporting that is coming out of Pakistan. It seems the tribal leaders in one of the agencies of FATA where Bin Laden is thought to be hiding out are ready to hand him over to authorities (probably for a price): […]

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Mar 31 2008

Updates On The War On Terror 03_31_08 – Clear And Present Danger!

It seems my speculation on which way the new Pakistan government are being born out with reporting in the LA Times today (not your typical right wing news outlet). When it comes to relations with the United States, the public mood is angry. It is highly likely that some U.S. military actions routinely allowed under […]

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