Archive for the 'Pakistan' Category

Oct 30 2006

Major Attack On Al Qaeda (Zawahiri) In Pakistan

Update: Time is all worried that by attacking the terrorists, we and other nations fighting to win this war might irritate the enemy and there could be a backlash: A Pakistani military air strike on a pro-Taliban religious school in the country’s volatile North West Frontier Province has set off a flurry of protest in […]

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Oct 28 2006

Top AQ Member Killed In Pakistan

A top Al Qaeda member responsible for the US Embassy bombings in 1998 was killed in Pakistan this week, or should we say he was ‘brought to justice’: n Al-Qaeda operative wanted in connection with 1998 US Embassy bombings has been killed in Pakistan. According to a private channel, Mohsin Mousa Motwali (ph) most wanted […]

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Oct 18 2006

AQ Getting Cold Shoulder From Taliban?

Seems that AQ is wearing out its welcome in many places these days. Here is some indication that in the heart of the Taliban, the desire is for Al Qaeda to just go away: In the Waziristan region of Pakistan, al Qaeda seems to have committed two particular blunders. The first was trying to take […]

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Oct 17 2006

Is It Time To Get Bin Laden?

I have been keeping my eyes on Waziristan and the other Tribal Regions of Northern Pakistan along the Afgahnistan border because that is where the remnants of the Taliban are hold up, and possibly Bin Laden and Zawahiri. Today there was a major battle on the Afghanistan side of the border which had some interesting […]

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Oct 07 2006

Afghanistan And Pakistan To Meet On Taliban

At some point, when the forces aligned against the Taliban have bloodied them enough, we will need to sit down and discuss peaceful co-exitence. I know that is not the Taliban or Al Qaeda way now – they strive for world domination. So did Germany and Japan at one time. At some point the idea […]

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Oct 02 2006

Al Qaeda Leaders In Waziristan

I check the major paper’s sites most mornings, but just like the real paper – if it is not on the headline page I may miss an important story. So it was today when an important WaPo article was not headlined which pointed to where Al Qaeda Leadership may be hiding out! Wouldn’t that be […]

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Sep 27 2006

Handing The Taliban Rope

Most folks are just not looking at the Musharraf peace deals in Waziristan and the norther provinces accurately. They see the Pakistan government as dupes being tricked into harboring the Taliban. I see the Taliban being offered a chance to reform – or else. And apparently they may select “or else”. When a robber says […]

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Sep 23 2006

Did Musharraf Make A Pact With The Devil?

Word out of Pakistan is Mullah Omar, the Taliban leader on the run for harboring Bin Laden and his motley crew, was pivotal in the recent peace agreement between Musharraf’s government and the lawless norther provinces. The fugitive Taliban commander Mullah Omar has emerged as the key player behind the movement’s controversial peace deal with […]

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Sep 22 2006

Waziristan Deal Nets 10 Afghan Terrorists

I have been predicting the most interesting front on the War on Terror is going on in the Northern Regions of Pakistan and its Waziristan Provence. Recently Pakistan worked out a peace accord with the Taliban and Tribal lords in this region. In return for a peaceful existence the region cannot house terrorists. Well it […]

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Sep 05 2006

Pakistan Provides Bin Laden, Taliban Haven

Boy, if this is true then something screwy is going on. It could mean a lot of things. It could mean Pakistan is giving up the hunt and we are losing an ally thanks to all the surrender talk from the left. Or, it could also mean Pakistan is gaining political cover for some future […]

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